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Development Tasks / Documenting

Documenting software for developers and users is one of the most important software developer tasks, in particular for open source projects that rely on collaboration to ensure a sustainable project. Without documentation, software can be confusing to understand and code may be rewritten when it does not need to be.

This documentation includes the following documentation:

Developer Documentation Using MkDocs

This developer documentation uses MkDocs and should be updated appropriately to keep the documentation current. See the Initial Project Setup / Documentation, Developer (MkDocs) for background on how the documentation is configured. If using the standard development files structure, the developer documentation is located in ~/cdss-dev/StateCU/git-repos/cdss-app-statecu-fortran-doc-dev/mkdocs-project. See the following resources for information on MkDocs and Markdown:

Run MkDocs Server to View Documentation

MkDocs runs a local Python web server that allows the browser to view the documentation. To start the server in Git Bash, change to the folder where the documentation configuration file exists and start the web server, for example for developer documentation.

$ cd /C/Users/userName/cdss-dev/StateCU/git-repos/cdss-app-statecu-fortran-doc-dev/build-util
$ ./

The following indicates that the server is running. If an error is shown, it is usually because the mkdocs.yml file lists a file that does not yet exist or the file has a syntax problem such as mis-matched quotes. If a problem occurs, fix the problem and if necessary restart the server.

mkdocs serve

Then view the documentation in a web browser using the address http://localhost:8001. The MkDocs server will generally auto-detect changes to files and the browser will refresh. When auto-refresh does not happen, manually refresh to see changes.

Stop the server with Ctrl-C in the command shell window.

Publish the documentation.

Run the build-util/ script to publish the documentation to the State of Colorado's Google Cloud Platform website. The documentation will be installed into a folder corresponding to the software version.

This script also provides the option to publish to a latest folder. This is useful because other documentation that links to StateCU documentation can use the generic latest link rather than requiring updates to link to a specific version.

User Documentation Using MkDocs

The original user documentation for StateCU used Microsoft Word and was distributed as PDF. The original documentation has since been updated to use Markdown and MkDocs. See the cdss-app-statecu-fortran-doc-user repository for more information.

Run the build-util/ script to publish the documentation.

Fortran Code API Documentation Using Doxygen

The StateCU subroutines, functions, and modules should be documented using Doxygen-style comments. See the following resource:

Doxygen is currently used mainly to graph the calling sequence of functions.

Refer to the Initial Project Setup / Documentation, API (Doxygen) documentation for how to run Doxygen.

Doxygen output can be copied to the State of Colorado's Google Cloud Platform storage site for public access using the doc-dev-doxygen-project/ script.

Fortran Code Internal Documentation Using Comments

The Fortran code files that comprise the StateCU software should be documented with in-line comments using Fortran conventions to facilitate understanding of variables, data structures, modules, functions, subroutines, etc.