A.2 - Model Control File (*.ccu)

# white.ccu - Control File 
Potential Consumptive Use Calculation for the White River Basin 
September 2008 
Simulation Test 
1948  2008             - nyr1, nyr2 - begin year, end year of simulation 
1                      - flag1 - consumptive use option (1=BC, 3=PM, 4=Hargreaves, 5=ASCE 
                         Standardized Penman-Monteith) 
1                      - rn_xco - monthly precipitation method (0=none, 1=SCS monthly method, 
                         2=USBR monthly method, 3=total daily max, 4=fraction of total daily, 5=SCS 
1                      - iclim = 0, climate station scenario (unit CU), 1, structure scenario 
1                      - isuply - water supply option (0=none (PCU only), 1=water supply limited by 
                         structure, 2=water rights considered, 4=groundwater) 
1                      - sout - type of input summary (*.sum) output file (0 = basic, 1 = detailed) 
1                      - ism - consider soil moisture (0=do not consider soil moisture, 1=consider-
                         user initialized, 2=consider-run presimulation to initialize) 
0.5  0.0  0.0          - initial soil moisture content for senior, junior, other parcels (fraction 
                         of capacity for each type) 
1                      - iprytsm - operate soil moisture (0=by proration, 1=by priority) 
20                     - ismcar - default annual carry over soil moisture coefficient (percent) 
3                      - typout - output report level (0=*.sum, 1=0 + *.cir, *.wsl, 2=1 + *swb, 3=2 
                         + *.dwb, 4=3 + *.4wb) 
0                      - iflood - number of subirrigated crops; if iflood>1 then read iflood lines 
                         of crop names 
1                      - ddscw - switch to create StateMod format output (0=no, 1=yes-in calendar 
0                      - idaily - operate daily preprocessor (1=daily diversions w/ daily admin, 
                         2=daily div w/ mo admin, 3=daily div w/ single admin, 4=mo div w/ mo 
                         admin, 5=mo div w/ single admin) 
99999.00000            - administration number for CU by priority 
0                      - idrain, consider supply from drains (0=no drain file, 1=use drain supply 
                         file, 1=use drain supply file with negative values allowed - special case 
4                      - imiss, missing data fill options: 0=none, 1=Fill div using avg shortage, 
                         2=Fill clim w/ hist avg & div w/ hist avg, 3=Fill clim w/ hist avg & div 
                         w/ 0, 4=Fill clim w/ hist avg & do not fill div, 5=Fill div w/ 0 & do not 
                         fill clim 
90                     - def_irr, simulate deficit irrigation pumping (percent)