4.12 - Crop Distribution File (*.cds)
The crop distribution file (*.cds) contains total acreage and associated crop acreage for structures.
The file can contain more structures than defined by the structure location (*.str) file, but must include
all structures being simulated. This file is read for monthly and daily ET methods. The recommended naming
convention to identify crops with their crop coefficients is Crop_Name.XXXX
as described in Section 3.1.7.
Crop names in the *.cds file must correspond to an identical crop name in the crop coefficient (*.kbc or *.kpm)
and crop characteristic file (*.cch). Note that because of formatting constraints, total acreage must be less
than 10 digits. An example is provided in Appendix A.
Row-Data | Program Variable | Description |
Row 1 | Format (6x, i4, 11x, i4, 7x, a3) | |
1-1 | gnyr1 | Beginning year of crop data |
1-2 | gnyr2 | Ending year of crop data |
1-3 | idum3 | CYR for calendar year |
Row 2 | Format (i4, 1x, a12, 18x, f10.0, i10) | |
2-1 | tyr | Year |
2-2 | tid | Irrigation structure ID |
2-3 | ttacre | Total acreage served by structure in specified year |
2-4 | tncrop | Number of crop types for this year and structure ID |
Row 3 | Format (5x, a30, f10.3, f10.3) | |
3-1 | cropn | Crop name |
3-2 | tpct(1) | Decimal fraction of total acreage planted with specified crop (no longer used by StateCU) |
3-3 | cacre(1) | Total acreage planted with specified crop |
Repeat for all crop types, decimal fractions must add up to 1.0.
Repeat for the number of structures – can be more structures than defined by structure location (*.str) file, but must include all structures of interest.
Repeat for each year of data – total years can be more than study period defined in the model control file by nyr1
and nyr2
(see Section 4.4).