4.14 - Ground Water Pumping File (*.pvh)
The ground water pumping file (*.pvh) provides estimated or measured monthly pumping for a list of
structures. Ground water supply contained in the pumping file represents volumes pumped at the wells,
not the supply delivered to the crop. StateCU uses the appropriate application efficiency read in the
irrigation parameter yearly data (*.ipy) file, which depends on the irrigation method defined for the
irrigated parcels, to estimate the water available to the crop. Missing data is accepted using a –999
placeholder. The file can contain only structures that have historic ground water information. Note
that historical pumping data is not limited by the well capacity provided in the *.ipy file. The total years
can be more than the study defined in the model control file by nyr1
and nyr2
(see Section 4.4). This file
is only read if a ground water supply option is defined in the model control file (isuply
= 4
), however, the
ground water pumping file is not required. The data can be in calendar year or water year. An example is
provided in Appendix A.
Row-Data | Program Variable | Description |
Row 1 | Format (6x, i4, 11x, i4, 7x, a3) | |
1-1 | gnyr1 | Beginning year of pumping data |
1-2 | gnyr2 | Ending year of pumping data |
1-3 | idum3 | CYR for calendar year or WYR for water year |
Row 2 | Format (i4, 1x, a12, 12(f8.2)) | |
2-1 | tyr | Year |
2-2 | tid | Structure ID |
2-3 | prate(1,tyr,1-12) | Pumping for months 1-12 (acre-feet) |
Repeat for the number of diversion structures.
Repeat for each year gnyr1
through gnyr2