4.3 - StateCU Response File (*.rcu)
The StateCU response file contains the names of input data files required to run the model. The input files
can be listed in any order; the order shown below is only for example. However, the file names must be
identified by the appropriate defined file description, which is case sensitive. The required file descriptions
associated with each file type are provided below. For example, if the Crop Distribution File (*.cds) was
named ‘crop.txt’, the response file input line would show CropDistribution_Yearly = crop.txt
. The
response file is required for all model runs. All potential input file types are listed, although only a subset is
required depending on the analysis option. An example file is provided in Appendix A.
*Format (a200, includes path plus filename)
Program Variable | Description |
CUControl | = *.ccu |
ClimateStation | = *.cli |
Structure | = *.str |
MeanTemperature_Monthly | = *.tem |
Precipitation_Monthly | = *.prc |
FrostDate_Yearly | = *.fd |
CropCharacteristic | = *.cch |
Blaney-Criddle_CropCoefficient | = *.kbc |
CropDistribution_Yearly | = *.cds |
Diversion_Historic_Monthly | = *.ddh |
Well_Historic_Monthly | = *.pvh |
IrrigationParameter_Yearly | = *.ipy |
Diversion_Right | = *.ddr |
AdministrationDate_Monthly | = *.adm |
AdministrationDate_Daily | = *.add |
Diversion_Historic_Daily | = *.ddy |
Penman_CropCoefficient | = *.kpm |
ModifiedHargreaves_CropCoefficient | = *.kmh |
MaxTemperature_Daily | = *.tmx |
MinTemperature_Daily | = *.tmn |
Precipitation_Daily | = *.pdy |
SolarRadiation_Daily | = *.sol |
VaporPressure_Daily | = *.vap |
Wind_Daily | = *.wnd |
Drain_Historic_Monthly | = *.dra |
Replacement_Crop_Requirement | = *.rcr |
Partial_Crop_Requirement | = *.pcr |
gis_state | = *.shp |
gis_basins | = *.shp |
gis_rivers | = *.shp |
gis_structures | = *.shp |
gis_climate_stations | = *.shp |