4.4 - Model Control File (*.ccu)
The StateCU model control file (*.ccu) contains information to control the model simulation. The model control file is required for all model runs. An example is provided in Appendix A.
Row-Data | Program Variable | Description |
Row 1-3 | Format (a120) | |
1-1 | title(1) | Simulation Description |
2-1 | title(2) | Simulation Description |
3-1 | title(3) | Simulation Description |
Row 4-5 | Free Format | |
4-1 | nyr1 | Beginning year of simulation |
4-2 | nyr2 | Ending year of simulation |
5-1 | flag1 | Switch for consumptive use option; 1=Blaney-Criddle (SCS Modified, Original, or Pochop), 3=Penman-Monteith, 4=Modified Hargreaves, 5=ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith. Note that option 2 is not available. |
Row 6 | Format (4i4) - only reads first variable if rn_xco<3 | |
6-1 | rn_xco | Switch for effective precipitation method; 0=none, 1=monthly SCS Method, 2=monthly USBR method, 3=daily total inches per day method, 4=daily fraction of total daily rainfall method, 5=SCS NEH Method |
6-2 | cn(1) | Total inches effective (rn_xco=3), Fraction of total rainfall (rn_xco=4), Runoff Curve I (rn_xco=5) |
6-3 | cn(2) | Runoff Curve Number II (rn_xco=5) |
6-4 | cn(3) | Runoff Curve Number III (rn_xco=5) |
Row 7-20 | Free Format | |
7-1 | iclim | Switch for model analysis type; 0=Climate Station Scenario (unit CU), 1=Structure Scenario |
8-1 | isuply | Switch for water supply option; 0=potential consumptive use only, 1=water supply limited by structure, 2=water supply limited by structure, and priority class (water rights considered), 4=ground water considered. Note option 3 is not available |
9-1 | sout | Switch for input summary (*.sum output file); 0=basic, 1=detailed |
10-1 | ism | Switch to consider soil moisture; 0=no, 1=yes, user initialized; 2=yes, run presimulation to initialize) |
11-1 | psenmo | Initial soil moisture content for senior priority water, as a percent of capacity (required field, used if ism=1) |
11-2 | pjunmo | Initial soil moisture content for junior priority water, as a percent of capacity (required field, used if ism=1) |
11-3 | pothmo | Initial soil moisture content for other priority water, as a percent of capacity required field, used if ism=1) |
12-1 | iprtysm | Switch to use water from the soil moisture reservoir priority accounts; 0=by proration, 1=by priority, senior first (if isuply = 2) |
13-1 | ismcar | Default winter carry over soil moisture coefficient, percent (0 to 100) |
14-1 | typout | Default output report level for all structures; 1 = Input summary (*.sum), crop irrigation water requirement summary (*.cir) and water supply limited cu summary (*.wsl) when water supply is considered, 2 = level 1 output plus farm water budget for simulation (*.swb), 3 = level 2 output plus farm water budget by structure (*.dwb), 4 = level 3 output plus detailed water budget by land category for a defined structure (*.4wb), 5 = level 3 output plus detailed water budget by land category for all structures in the scenario (*.4wb), 11 = level 1 output, also includes Basin and Water District Totals in binary output (*.bd1), 12 = level 2 output, also includes Basin and Water District Totals in binary output (*.bd1), 13 = level 3 output, also includes Basin and Water District Totals in binary output (*.bd1), 14 = level 4 output, also includes Basin and Water District Totals in binary output (*.bd1), 15 = level 5 output, also includes Basin and Water District Totals in binary output (*.bd1) |
14-2 | 4wb | Structure ID for detailed water budget by land category output (required if typout=4) |
15-1 | iflood | Number of subirrigated crops; if iflood>1, then read iflood lines of crop names |
16-1 | ddcsw | Switch to create StateMod format irrigation water requirement and average monthly surface water system efficiency output files. Ground water pumping and average monthly ground water application efficiency output files will also be written ( if isuply=4). 0=no, 1=create output in calendar year. |
17-1 | idaily | Switch to identify how priorities are assigned to diversions (if isuply=2); 1 = daily diversions with daily administration numbers, 2 = daily diversions with monthly administration numbers, 3 = daily diversions with a single administration number, 4 = monthly diversions with monthly administration numbers, 5 = monthly diversions with a single administration number |
18-1 | adminent | Single administration number to define senior, junior water rights (with idaily = 3 or idaily = 5) |
19-1 | idrain | Flag to consider supply from drains provided in the *.dra file; 0 = do not consider drain flows, 1 = consider drain flows, 2 = allow negative drain flows to ‘offset’ diversions to non-agricultural use |
20-1 | imiss | Flag to fill missing data; 0 = no filling, 1 = fill water supply-limited CU results (when diversion records are missing) based on Water District shortages, 2 = fill missing climate station data and missing diversion records with historical monthly averages, 3 = fill missing climate station data with historical monthly averages, fill missing diversion records with zeros, 4 = fill missing climate station data with historical monthly averages, do not fill missing diversion records, 5 = fill missing diversion records with zeros, do not fill missing climate data |
21-1 | def_irr | Flag to simulate deficit irrigation pumping, percentage (0 to 100) |
Note that when iflood
> 0
, lines 16 through 20 are incremented by iflood
. StateCU only reads the first 6
characters of the identified iflood subirrigated crops, so for instance if the user requests additional
information for the subirrigated crop ALFALFA
, Alfalfa crops assigned to any coefficient extensions will
be included (ex. ALFALFA.TR21
Note that when def_irr
> 0
, the IWR pumping reduction is only applied to structures with acreage served
by ground water, as specified in the Irrigation Parameter Yearly file (*.ipy). that have no historical
pumping specified in the Well Historic Pumping file (*.pvh).