4.8 - Monthly Precipitation File (*.prc)
The StateCU monthly precipitation file contains total monthly precipitation values in inches for each
precipitation station for years gnyr1
through gnyr2
, described below. The monthly precipitation file
is used for the monthly Blaney-Criddle ET methods (flag1
= 1
in the model control file, Section 4.4).
Missing data is accepted using a –999 place holder. The data must be in calendar year format. The file
must contain data (or -999) for all years in the simulation between nyr1
and nyr2
, defined in the model
control file (see Section 4.4). There must be a one-to-one correspondence between climate stations listed
in the climate station data file (*.cli) and the climate station data included in the monthly precipitation
file. An example is provided in Appendix A.
Row-Data | Program Variable | Description |
Row 1 | Format (6x, i4, 11x, i4, 7x, a3) | |
1-1 | gnyr1 | Beginning year of precipitation data |
1-2 | gnyr2 | Ending year of precipitation data |
1-3 | idum3 | CYR for calendar year |
Row 2 | Format (i4, 1x, a12, 12(f8.2)) | |
2-1 | tyr | Year |
2-2 | tid | Precipitation station ID |
2-3 | tmpt (1, tyr, 1-12) | Total precipitation for months 1-12 (inches) |
Repeat for the number of precipitation stations.
Repeat for each year gnyr1
through gnyr2