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StateDMI / Datastore Reference / Colorado HydroBase


This appendix describes the HydroBase datastore. A datastore configuration file for datastore name HydroBase is distributed with StateDMI software but is not configured by default because installed HydroBase database versions that are installed will vary by computer. As of StateDMI version 5.00.06, the Select HydroBase dialog automatically defaults defining HydroBase and HydroBaseYYYYMMDD datastores for the selected HydroBase, which minimizes the need to edit datastore configuration files.

See also the TSTool HydroBase Datastore documentation, which provides more detailed information.

Datastore Configuration File

A datastore is configured by creating a datastore configuration file for each connection. Configurations are processed at software startup to enable datastores.

HydroBase Datastore Using CDSS Account

The following illustrates the HydroBase datastore configuration file format for the CDSS account. The configuration file is typically named as follows:

  • C:\CDSS\StateDMI-Version\datastores\HydroBase.cfg - installation HydroBase datastore configuration
  • C:\Users\user\.statedmi\NN\datastores\HydroBase.cfg - user's HydroBase datastore configuration

The default cdss service account is used for authentication and allows read-only access to the database.

# Configuration information for HydroBase database datastore, CDSS account.
# The user will see the following when interacting with the datastore:
# Name - datastore identifier used in applications, for example as the
#     input type information for time series identifiers (usually a short string)
# Description - datastore description for reports and user interfaces (short phrase)
# The following are needed to make database connections in the software
# Type - must be HydroBaseDataStore
# DatabaseEngine - the database software (SqlServer is current standard)
# DatabaseServer - IP or string address for database server, with instance name
#                  (e.g., "localhost\CDSS" can be used for local computer).  Omitting
#                  the instance name will result in default port numbers being tried
#                  until one works.
# DatabaseName - database name used by the server (e.g., HydroBase_CO_20120722)
# SystemLogin - service account login (omit for default)
# SystemPassword - service account password (omit for default)
# Enabled - if True then datastore will be enabled when software starts, False to disable
Type = "HydroBaseDataStore"
Name = "HydroBase"
Description = "HydroBase Datastore"
DatabaseEngine = "SqlServer"
# Local SQL Server Express installation...
DatabaseServer = "localhost\CDSS"
# Or a specific server...
#DatabaseServer = "amazon\CDSS"
DatabaseName = "HydroBase_CO_20200720"

HydroBase Datastore Configuration File for Default CDSS Account (no ODBC DSN)