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StateDMI / Command / SetParcel


The SetParcel command (for StateCU and StateMod) edits a single parcel's core data. See also the SetParcelGroundWaterSupply and SetParcelSurfaceWaterSupply commands, which are used to edit supply data for a parcel.

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

SetParcel command editor

SetParcel Command Editor (see also the full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter                 Description Default                    
Year for the parcel. None - must be specified.
Parcel identifier. None - must be specified.
Division Water division. Will not be modified.
District Water district. Will not be modified.
CropType Crop type (e.g., ALFALFA). Will not be modified.
IrrigationMethod Irrigation method (DRIP, FLOOD, or SPRINKLER). Will not be modified.
Area Parcel area (acres). Will not be modified.
IfNotFound Action taken if Year and ParcelID are not matched:
  • Add - add a new parcel (all data must be specified)
  • Fail – generate a failure message
  • Ignore – ignore (don’t edit and don’t generate a message)
  • Warn – generate a warning message
IfFound Action taken if Year and ParcelID are matched:
  • Set - set the parcel data (data that are provided will be used)
  • Remove - remove the parcel
  • Fail – generate a failure message
  • Ignore – ignore (don’t edit and don’t generate a message)
  • Warn – generate a warning message


See the automated tests.


See the main troubleshooting documentation

See Also