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StateDMI / Command / WriteCropCharacteristicsToStateCU


The WriteCropCharacteristicsToStateCU command (for StateCU) writes crop characteristics data to a StateCU climate crop characteristics file.

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

WriteCropCharacteristicsToStateCU command editor

WriteCropCharacteristicsToStateCU Command Editor (see also the full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter             Description Default                
The name of the output file to write, surrounded by double quotes. None – must be specified.
Version Indicate whether output should be formatted for a specific version of StateCU file. Write the most current version.
AutoAdjust Automatically adjust the crop names by removing trailing .XXX characters (the period and any trailing characters). This may be needed because current modeling procedures use a longer crop name (e.g., ALFALFA.TR21) whereas older procedures simply used ALFALFA. The conversion is necessary to allow comparison with older files. False
WriteHow OverwriteFile if the file should be overwritten or UpdateFile if the file should be updated, resulting in the previous header being carried forward. OverwriteFile


See the automated tests.

The following example illustrates how to create a StateCU crop characteristics file with data from HydroBase:

# StateDMI commands to create the Rio Grande Crop Characteristics File
# History:
# 2004-03-16 Steven A. Malers, RTi  Initial version using StateDMI.
# 2007-04-22 SAM, RTi               Use new directory structure, current
#                                   software and HydroBase.
# Step 1 - read data from HydroBase
# Read the general TR-21 characteristics first and then override with Rio Grande
# data.
# Step 2 - adjust crop characteristics if needed
#    No resets are needed.
# Step 3 - write the file
# Check the results


See the main troubleshooting documentation

See Also