4.13.51 Operating Rule Examples

# Operating rule types listed below are described in detail in StateMod documentation,
# Section 4.13.x where 'x' is the rule type listed below.
# This .opr file contains example operating rules that can be copied to a blank file to start
# development of operating rules for a different application. These examples have the correct
# format and can be expanded based on information in Section 4.13 of the StateMod documentation
# and the specific applications for which the rules are to be used. 
# Start new .opr file with header line below that starts with "# ID        Name"
#               OPERATING RULE TYPES          
#     ========================================
#   1   Reservoir to an Instream Flow
#   2   Reservoir to a Direct Flow or Reservoir or Carrier
#   3   Reservoir to a Carrier 
#   4   Reservoir Exchange to a Direct Flow
#   5   Reservoir Exchange to Storage
#   6   Paper Exchange Between Reservoirs
#   7   Reservoir to a Carrier by Exchange
#   8   Out-of-Priority Book Over
#   9   Release for Target Contents
#   10  General Reservoir Replacement
#   11  Carrier to a Ditch or Reservoir
#   12  Re-operate Water Rights
#   13  Index flow Constraint on an Instream Flow Diversion
#   14  Carrier with Constrained Demand
#   15  Interruptible Supply
#   16  Direct Flow Storage
#   17  Rio Grande Compact - Rio Grande
#   18  Rio Grande Compact - Conejos River
#   19  Split Channel Operations
#   20  San Juan Reservoir RIP Operation
#   21  Wells with Sprinkler Use
#   22  Soil Moisture Use
#   23  Downstream Call
#   24  Direct Flow Exchange of a Pro-Rata Water Right
#   25  Direct Flow Bypass of a Pro-Rata Water Right
#   26  Changed Water Rights Operation
#   27  Reservoir or Reuse Plan to a Diversion or Reservoir Direct with or without Destination Reuse
#   28  Reuse Plan to a Diversion or Reservoir by Exchange with or without Destination Reuse
#   29  Reuse Plan Spill
#   30  Reservoir Re-Diversion
#   31  Carrier to a Ditch or Reservoir with Reusable Return Flows
#   32  Reservoir and Plan to a Direct Flow or reservoir or Carrier Direct with or without Destination Reuse
#   33  Reservoir and Plan to a Direct Flow or Reservoir or Carrier by Exchange with or without Destination Reuse
#   34  Reservoir to Reservoir Transfer with Reuse 
#   35  Import to a Diversion, Reservoir or Carrier with or without Reuse
#   36  Seasonal (daily) On and Off Capability (e.g. Meadow Rights) 
#   37  Augmentation Well
#   38  Out-of-Priority Diversion (addresses the upstream storage statute)
#   39  Alternate Point Diversion
#   40  South Platte Compact
#   41  Reservoir Storage with Special Limits
#   42  Plan Reset
#   43  In-Priority Well Depletion
#   44  Recharge Well
#   45  Carrier with Transit Loss (allows multiple carriers and associated loses)
#   46  Multiple Ownership Plans (distributes Plan contents to multiple plans)
#   47  Administration Plan Limits
#   48  Plan or Reservoir Reuse to a Plan Direct
#   49  Plan or Reservoir Reuse to a Plan by Exchange
#       50  South Platte Compact Storage
#  ===========================================
#   ID         ID number of operating rule that is used to separate operating rule output in *.xop file
#   Name       Name of operating rule - used for descriptive purposes only
#   Admin#     Administration number used to determine priority of operational water rights relative to other operations and direct diversion, reservoir, instream flow, and well rights (see tabulation in *.xwr file)
#   # Str      Number of carrier structures, monthly on/off switches, or monthly volumetrics (flag telling StateMod program the number of entries on next line)
#   On/Off     1 for ON and 0 for OFF (must use # to turn off rules with more than one line)
#   Dest ID    Destination of operating rule whose demand is to be met by simulating the operating rule
#   Dest Ac    Account at destination to be met by operating rule - typically 1 for a diversion structure and account number for reservoir destination
#   Sou1 ID    ID number of primary source of water under which water right is being diverted in operating rule - typically a water right, reservoir, or Plan structure
#   Sou1 Ac    Account of Sou1 - typically 1 for a diversion structure and account number for reservoir source
#   Sou2 ID    ID of Plan where reusable storage water or reusable ditch credits is accounted
#   Sou2 Ac    Percentage of Plan supplies available for operation
#   Type       Rule type corresponding with definitions in Chapter 4 of StateMod documentation                                              
#   ReusePlan  ID of Plan where reusable return flows or diversions to storage are accounted                                                
#   Div Type   'Diversion' indicates pro-rata diversion of source water right priority or exchange of reusable credits to Dest1
#              'Depletion' indicates pro-rata diversion of source water right priority consumptive use or augmentation of upstream diversions at Dest1
#   OprLoss    Percentage of simulated diversion lost in carrier ditch (only applies to certain rules - see StateMod documentation, Section 4.13)
#   Limit      Capacity limit for carrier structures different from capacity in .dds file (used to represent constricted conveyance capacity for winter deliveries to reservoirs)
#   Comments   Description of rule type
# Note - multiple *.opr input file formats may be provided. It is recommended the following string be provided near the top of the file before any data: # FileFormatVersion 2 
# If the format version indicator is not provided StateMod will try to read the file and try to determine the appropriate file type.
#  ===========================================
# ID        Name                    NA                    Admin#   # Str  On/Off Dest Id     Dest Ac  Sou1 Id     Sou1 Ac  Sou2 Id     Sou2 Ac     Type ReusePlan    Div Type      OprLoss   Limit Comments
# ---------eb----------------------eb----------exxxxb----------eb------eb------e-b----------eb------e-b----------eb------e-b----------eb------eb------exb----------exb----------exb------eb------exb----------
# FileFormatVersion 2
#  Type 1   Reservoir to an Instream Flow 
#           Green Mountain Reservoir (ID 363543 - Account 6) to meet 15-mile reach fish flows (ID 952002) 
#           during July through October only (12 monthly switches for USGS Water Year simulation included on second line)
3635430.26  Opr Fish to Fish Flow                    99999.93011     12.       0 952002             1 363543             6 0                  0       1 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999
                                    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1                                                                                                                                                                                               
#  Type 2   Reservoir to a Direct Flow or Reservoir or Carrier
#           Williams Fork Reservoir (ID 513709) release from GMR1 Pool (Account 4) to meet Farmers Irrigation Company (ID 952011) demand 
#           carried through Silt Pump Canal (ID 390663 on second line)
5137090.30  Opr WFR-Silt Project                     39041.00002      1.       1 950011             1 513709             4 0                  1       2 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 3   Reservoir to a Carrier 
#           Meadow Creek Reservoir (ID 513686) release from Denver/Englewood Pool (Account 1) directly to Moffat Tunnel (ID 510728) without using the river
5136860.02  Opr MCrkRes to 510728                    31259.30134      0.       1 510728             1 513686             1 0                  0       3 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 4   Reservoir Exchange to a Direct Flow
#           Meadow Creek Reservoir (ID 513686) release from Vail Ditch Pool (Account 2) to the upstream Vail Ditch (ID 510941) via the river by exchange
5136860.01  Opr MCkRes->VailIrDivSys                 31259.30134      0.       1 510941             1 513686             2 0                  0       4 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 5   Reservoir Exchange to Storage
#           Wolford Mountain Reservoir (ID 503668) release from Colorado Springs Replacement Pool (Account 1) to first two accounts (-2 below) in upstream 
#           Granby Reservoir (ID 514620) via the river by exchange
5036680.17  Opr Wolford - Granby Ex                  31258.00007      0.       1 514620            -2 503668             9 0                  0       5 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 6   Paper Exchange Between Reservoirs
#           Bookover of water from Vega Reservoir (ID 723844) Project Irrigation Pool (Account 1) to Vega Reservior Power Exchange Pool (Account 3), limited
#           by amount of water simulated through operating rule ID 7205830.01 (Cottonwood Branch Pipeline direct diversion water right carried to Molina Power
#           Plant - see Type 11 example below)
7238440.19  Opr Vega Bookovr for 583                 37486.00001      0.       1 723844             3 723844             1 7205830.01         0       6 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 7   Reservoir to a Carrier by Exchange
#           Rifle Gap Reservoir (ID 393508) release from Silt Pool (Account 1) to Grass Valley Canal (ID 390563) via river by exchange to meet simulated 
#           Type 11 carrier diversion in operating rule ID 3905630.01 (Grass Valley Canal direct flow right to Dry Elk Valley Irrigation)
3935080.01  Opr RifleGap to G.Valley                 37503.36902      0.       1 3905630.01         1 393508             1 0                  0       7 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 8   Out-of-Priority Bookover
#           Bookover water stored in Upper Blue Lakes Out-of-Priority (OOP) account (Reservoir ID 363570, Account 2) to the general purpose account in Upper Blue Lakes (Account 3) 
#           The OOP diversions via the Upper Blue Lakes storage right (ID 363570.01 - first entry on third line) subordinated to the Green Mountain Reservoir storage right (ID 363543.01) 
#           occur via a Type 38 OOP Diversion rule (ID 3635700.08 - second entry on third line)
#           The type 8 OOP bookover simulates once the 363543.01 storage right is paper filled and occurs during the July through October period (12 switches on second line) 
#           The amount of water booked over reduces the OOP Plan (ID 363570OOPPLN) by the same amount
3635700.15  OOP_Upper_Blue_Bookover                  99999.00000    -14.       1 363570             3 363570             2 363543.01          0       8 363570OOPPLN NA                  0       0       0    9999                                              
                                    0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0  
                                    363570.01    3635700.08

#  Type 9   Release for Target Contents
#           Release water proportionally from all accounts (Account 0) in Williams Fork Reservoir (ID 513709) to meet target contents in *.tar file 
#           (Dest ID = 0 and Dest Account = 0 in operating rule)
5137090.15  Opr Williams Fork target                 99999.99999      0.       1 0                  0 513709             0 0                  0       9 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 10  General Reservoir Replacement
#           Wolford Mountain Reservoir (ID 503668) releases from Denver R1 Pool (Account 5) over the 1985 to 1996 period to supply reservoir water to a 
#           large number of structures without supplying individual operating rules for each. Beneficiaries of reservoir releases from this operating rule 
#           have direct flow water right (*.ddr) administration numbers senior to the operating rule's administration number (48965.99994) and variable 
#           "ireptyp" in the direct diversion station (*.dds) file set to 1 or -1. 
5036680.31  Opr Wolf Replace1                        48965.99994      0.       1 0                  1 503668             5 0                  0      10 NA           NA                  0       0    1985    1996
#  Type 11  Carrier to a Ditch or Reservoir Using a Direct Flow Right
#           Carry water through Cottonwood Branch Pipeline (ID 720583) using its direct diversion right (ID 720583.01) to Molina Power Plant (ID 720807)
7205830.01  Opr Cottonwood-Molina                    37486.00000      0.       1 720807             1 720583.01          1 NA                 0      11 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#           Carrier to a Reservoir using a Storage
#           Carry water through North Horse Supply Canal (NHorseSup) to Haines Flat Reservoir (ID HainesRes) using its storage right (ID HainesRes.01)
#           The primary difference with the previou rule is the storage right is not administered at the location of the reservoir right but, instead, 
#            is administered on a neighboring tributary at the location of Sou2 ID NHorseSup 
Haines.01   Opr_Fill_Haines_NHorse                     2008.0000      1.       1 HainesRes          1 HainesRes.01       0 NHorseSup          0      11 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999
#  Type 12  Re-operate Water Rights
#           Limit tolerance of reoperation in the model based on user specified administration number (50000.0), as necessary, to stop run-time errors 
#           (i.e. ireopx > 1000 iteration limit)
ReopLimit.01 Opr_Limit_Reoperation                   99999.99999      0.       1 0                  0 0                  0 0                  0      12 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 13  Index Flow Constraint on an Instream Flow Diversion
#           Operate La Plata Compact as most senior water right (admin. no. 0.00001) to deliver to downstream location (instream flow ID 332999) based on percentage (50%) 
#           of index gage(La Plata River at Hesperus - ID 09365500) over June to December period (12 monthly switches for Irrigation Year simulation included on line 2) 
3329990.01  Opr LaPlata Compact                       0000.00001     12.       1 332999             1 09365500          50 332999.01          1      13 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
                                    1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
#  Type 14  Carrier with Constrained Demand
#           Limit water carried through Willow Creek Feeder (ID 510958) using its senior water right (ID 510958.01) to fill the first two accounts (Destination 
#           Account = -2) in Granby Reservoir (ID 514620) by the amount historically diverted by Willow Creek Feeder included in direct diversion demand (*.ddm) file
5109580.01  Opr WCrkFeeder to Granby                 31258.00000      0.       1 514620            -2 510958.01          1 0                  1      14 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 

#  Type 15  Interruptible Supply
#           Dedicate Louden Ditch (ID 0400530) junior water right (ID 0400530.03) to instream flow reach (ID BigT_ISF) when downstream gage flows at ID 06741510 drop below 
#           3000 acre-feet per month (~50 cfs)
#           One hundred percent of the decree (zero value after water right ID 0400530.03) can be used as an interruptible supply during the May through October period (12 switches on Line 2)
ISFDonate   Opr_DirectFlowToISFReach                 32224.00000     12.       1 BigT_ISF           1 06741510        3000 0400530.03         0      15 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
                                    0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0  
#  Type 16  Direct Flow Storage
#           Limit water carried through Willow Creek Feeder (ID 510958) using its senior water right (ID 510958.01) to fill the first two accounts (Destination 
#           Account = -2) in Granby Reservoir (ID 514620) by the amount historically diverted by Willow Creek Feeder included in direct diversion demand (*.ddm) file
#           This rule is similar to the Type 14 rule above except that it requires a bypass of 40 percent of the water right, thereby limiting the direct flow storage
#           to 60 percent (variable listed before rule type 16) of the Willow Creek Feeder senior water right
5109580.01  Opr WCrkFeeder to Granby                 31258.00000      1.       1 514620            -2 510958.01          1 0                 60      16 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 17  Rio Grande Compact - Rio Grande
#           Starting in 1969, determine Colorado's Rio Grande Compact delivery requirements to downstream location (ID RGCOM) based on index flows at the Rio Grande
#           at Del Norte gage (ID 08220000) and the Conejos River nr La Sauses (ID 08249000)
#           Include water from source IDs ClosedBasin and NortonSouth
RGCOM.01    Opr Compact-RioGrande                        1.00000    -20.    1969 RGCOM             1. 08220000          1. 08249000         -1.      17 NA           Diversion           0       0    1969    9999     
                                                                   1985.      0.                    1 ClosedBasin    19200 NortonSouth    -4000
                                    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#  Type 18  Rio Grande Compact - Conejos River
#           Starting in 1969, determine Colorado's Rio Grande Compact delivery requirements to downstream location (ID RGCOM) based on index flows at the Conejos River
#           nr Magote gage (ID 08246500) and the San Antonito River at Ortiz (ID 08247500)
#           Include water from source IDs ClosedBasin and NortonSouth
COCOM.01    Opr Compact-Conejos                          1.00000    -20.    1969 COCOM             1. 08246500          1. 08247500          1.      18 NA           Diversion           0       0    1969    9999     
                                                                   1985.      0. 08248000           1 ClosedBasin    16000 NortonSouth     4000
                                    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#  Type 19  Split Channel Operations
#           Currently Under Development
#  Type 20  San Juan Reservoir RIP Operation – these operations are no longer used to simulate SJRIP
#  Type 21  Wells with Sprinkler Use
#           Operate wells serving sprinkler-irrigated lands first based on input priority (admin. no. 36525.0) senior to ground water rights (*.wer) in order to maximize water supply mode
Opr_Spr.01  Opr_Sprinkler                           36525.00000       0.       1 NA                 0 NA                 0 0                  0      21 NA           NA                  0      -1       0    9999

#  Type 22  Soil Moisture Use
#           Water deliveries in excess of a diversion's consumptive demand can be stored in the soil moisture zone, with this operating rule defining the priority (admin. no. 100000.0)
#           water stored in the soil moisture zone is used (e.g. after surface rights, after well right, etc.). 
Opr_Soil.01 Opr_Soil_Moisture                      100000.00000       0.       1 NA                 0 NA                 0 0                  0      22 NA           NA                  0      -1       0    9999   
#  Type 23  Downstream Call
#           Operate downstream call (modeled as instream flow node ID DwnCall). Priorities of daily calls defined in call *.cal) file. Priority of Type 23 operating rule set as most
#           junior water right in basin to ensure the call's instream flow demand does not simulate prior to any other water rights.
Opr_Dwncall Opr_Dwncall                             999999.00000      0.       1 DwnCall            1 N/A                1 0                  0      23 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 24  Direct Flow Exchange of a Pro-Rata Water Right
#           Exchange water diverted in priority associated with portion (100%) of Burlington Canal (ID 0200802) water right (ID 0200802.03) to upstream municipal demand (ID Metro_IN),
#           limited by monthly exchange amounts (ac-ft values listed on line 2)
OprBurl.01  Opr_Burlington_to_Metro_In                5205.00000      0.       1 Metro_IN           1 0200802.03       100 NA                 0      24 NA           Diversion           0       0       0    9999
        0.      0.      0.   5000.   5000.   5000.   5000.   5000.   5000.   5000.      0.      0. 25000.0                                                                                 
#  Type 25  Direct Flow Bypass of a Pro-Rata Water Right
#           Bypass water diverted in priority under Fisher Ditch (ID 0700570) water right (ID 0700507.01) to downstream demand (ID CherokPP)
#           carried through Fisher Ditch with 10% ditch loss (line 2) limited by monthly bypass amounts (ac-ft values listed on line 3)
Fish.01     Opr_ChangedFisherToAcctPSCO               4198.00000      1.       1 CherokPP           1 0700570.01      71.3 NA                 0      25 NA           Diversion          -1       0       0    9999 
                                    0700570     10 Carrier
       0.      0.      0.    308.    615.    796.    923.    796.    548.    376.      0.      0.  4366.0
#  Type 26  Changed Water Rights Operation
#           Temporarily store a portion (50%) of Eureka Ditch (ID 4700614) changed water right (ID 4700614.01) in a Changed Water Rights plan (ID 614_PLN, Plan Type 13)
#           limited by monthly and annual amounts (ac-ft values listed on line 2)
#           Remaining portion of water right is available to meet any headgate demand
614_PLN.01  Eureka_Full_Plan                         13765.00000      0.       1 614_PLN            1 4700614.01        50 NA                 0      26 NA           Diversion           0       0       0    9999 
   0.   0.  0.  0.  4300.  4300.  4300.  4300.  0.  0.  0.  0.  15000.0
#  Type 27  Reservoir or Reuse Plan to a Diversion or Reservoir Direct with or without Destination Reuse
#           Release water from Accounting Plan (ID 614_40PLN) to Eureka Ditch Irrigation Demand (ID 614_40_I) through 
#           a carrier (Burlington Canal ID 4700614) (line 2) with a Reuse Plan (ID Reuse)
#           Capacity at the source water right location will be accounted for by referencing the original Changed Water Rights operating rule (Opr ID 614_PLN.01, Type 26) (line 3)
614_PLN.04  614_40PLN_to_614_40_I                    13765.00004      1.       1 614_40_I           1 614_40PLN        100 NA                 0      27 ReusePln     Diversion          -1       5       0    9999 
                                    4700614       0        Carrier

#  Type 28  Reuse Plan to a Diversion or Reservoir by Exchange with or without Destination Reuse
#           Release water from Accounting Plan (ID Compact_Pln) to Irrigation demand (ID CoorsAB_Wtr) via exchange through 
#           a carrier (ID 0100501) with a 29 percent conveyance loss
CompactEx.1 Compact_to_0100507_I                     18353.10000      1        1 0100507_I          1 Compact_Pln      100 NA                 0      28 NA           Diversion          -1       0       0    9999 
                                    0100501  29   Carrier
#  Type 29  Reuse Plan Spill
#           Spill unused water stored in Changed Water Rights plan (ID 614_PLN) since it cannot be carried over to subsequent time steps
#            Spill to the source water right location  (ID 4700614) when spilling a Changed Water Rights plan
#            Spill at the plan location for other types of plan (ID NA)
614_PLN.10  614_PLN_Spill                            13765.00009      0.       1 4700614            0 614_PLN            0 NA                 0      29 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 30  Reservoir Rediversion
#           Not currently used - 
#           Releases from Type 48/Type 49 rules are limited by the destination plan demands, which precludes excess releases being made
#           that would be rediverted under a Type 30 rule
#  Type 31  Carrier to a Ditch or Reservoir with Reusable Return Flows
#           Carry water through Pecks Gulch diversion (ID 0700537 on line 3) using its water right (ID 0700537.02) to Hole In the Ground Reservoir 
#           (ID 0704492) using portion (100%) of Barr Lake storage right (ID 0200802.01) over the November to March period (12 monthly 
#           switches for Irrigation Year included on line 2) with stored water accounted for in Reservoir Reuse Plan (ID CC_HIG_Sto)
Pecks.03    Opr_Pecks_to_HIG                         43829.19751    -13.       0 0704492            1 0700537.02         0 N/A                0      31 CC_HIG_Sto   NA                  0       0       0    9999 
                                    1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
#  Type 32  Reservoir and Plan to a Direct Flow or Reservoir or Carrier Direct with or without Destination Reuse
#           Release water from reservoir (ID 0704492) and associated Reservoir Reuse Plan (ID CC_HIG_Sto) to Central City demand (ID CC_WTP)
#           directly with reusable return flows stored in Non Reservoir Reuse Plan (ID CCReusePlan)
HIG.01      Opr_HIG_to_CC_WTP                        52731.00001      0.       0 CC_WTP             1 0704492            1 CC_HIG_Sto         0      32 CCReusePlan  NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 33  Reservoir and Plan to a Direct Flow or Reservoir or Carrier by Exchange with or without Destination Reuse
#           Release water from reservoir (ID 0203699) and associated Reservoir Reuse Plan (ID WGLksPln) to Thornton demand (ID THIN_DMD)
#           by exchange with reusable return flows stored in Non Reservoir Reuse Plan (ID MetroTh)
WGL.04      Opr_WGL_Reusable_To_THIN_DMD             55835.00004      0.       1 THIN_DMD           1 0203699            1 WGLksPln           0      33 MetroTh      Diversion           0       0       0    9999
#  Type 34  Reservoir to Reservoir Transfer with Reuse 
#           Bookover water stored in Upper Blue Lakes (ID 363570, Account 1) and associated Out-of-Priority Plan (364512OOPPLN) to first five accounts (Account 5) 
#           in Dillon Reservoir (ID 364512) on August 1 each year (-1 switch on second line) limited by Colorado Springs Utilities release limit plan operating rule (ID CSULimit.01)
3635700.06  Opr_UBlue_to_Dillon_Book                     1.00002     12.       1 364512             5 363570             2 363570OOPPLN       0      34 364512OOPPLN Diversion           0       2       0    9999 
                                    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0                                                                                                                                                                                              
#  Type 35  Import to a Plan
#           Import diversion structure (ID TestImp) stored in accounting plan (ID TestPln) 
#           Import diversion structure ID must be the same as the Import plan ID (Plan Type 7)
TestImp.01  TestImporttoPlan                             1.00000      0.       1 TestPln            1 TestImp            1 NA                 0      35 NA           NA                0.0     0.0       0    9999
#  Type 36  Seasonal (daily) On and Off Capability (e.g. Meadow Rights) 
#           Operate a direct flow meadow right (ID 0100517.01) for Deuel and Snyder Canal (ID 0100517) through May 15 only
#           (12 monthly switches for Calendar Year simulation included on line 2)
Opr_Mead.01 Opr_Meadow_D&S_01                         100.00000      12.       1 0100517            1 0100517.01         0 0                  0      36 NA           NA                  0      -1       0    9999
                                    1 1 1 1 -15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
#  Type 37  Augmentation Well
#           Operate augmentation well water right (ID 6405901) to meet an augmentation plan demand (ID 6402517) 
#           with lagged depletions from augmentation well pumping accounted for in an augmentation plan (ID 6402517)
64025170.09 SEDGWICK Aug Well                        99996.00000       0       1 6402517            1 6405901            0 6402517            0      37 NA           Diversion        0.00    0.00       0    9999 
#  Type 38  Out-of-Priority Diversion (addresses the upstream storage statute) with operating rule priority senior to diversion structure's water right
#           Operate Con-Hoosier Tunnel (ID 954683) diversions against Green Mountain Reservoir storage right (ID 363543.01)
#           (admin. no. 31257.99995) to that storage right priority over the April to July period (12 monthly swithces for 
#           USGS Water Year included on line 2) and account for those diversions in an out-of-priority plan structure (ID 54683OOPPLN)
9546830.03  Opr_OOP_Cont_Hoosier                     31257.99995     12.       1 954683             1 363543.01          0 364683.01          0      38 954683OOPPLN Diversion           0       0       0    9999 
                                    0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0                                 
#  Type 39  Alternate Point Diversion - currently under development
#           Operate water right (ID Dem_2_Wr#1) to meet demand (ID Dem_2) at alternate point of diversion (ID Alt_Div)
Or_AltPoint Opr_AlternatePoint                           1.00000      0.       1 Dem_2              1 Dem_2_Wr#1         1 Alt_Div            0      39 NA           Diversion           0       0       0    9999
#  Type 40  South Platte Compact
#           Operate Compact at Stateline (represented by instream flow ID 6499999) to meet South Platte Compact requirement 
#           (120 cfs with 6/14/1897 priority date (admin. no. 17332.0), represented as instream flow water right 
#           over the April 1 to October 15 season (represented as instream flow demand (*.ifr) for ID 649999)
#           Compact_64x attempts to meet upstream demands (upstream of WD 64) from the Compact Plan (ID Compact_Pln) via exchange
#           Compact_Isf releases remaining water in the Compact Plan (ID Compact_Pln) to meet the Compact Demand (ID 6499999)
#           Works in conjunction with Type 50 rule, see below
Compact_64x Opr_Compact_Out_64x                      17332.00000      0.       1 64x                1 Compact_Pln        0 NA                 0      40 NA           Diversion         0.0     0.0       0    9999 
Compact_Isf Opr_Compact_Out_Isf                      99999.99999      0.       1 6499999            1 Compact_Pln        0 NA                 0      40 NA           Diversion         0.0     0.0       0    9999 

#  Type 41  Reservoir Storage with Special Limits
#           Implement 1955 exchange as part of Blue River Decree by limiting Green Mountain Reservoir (ID 363543) storage diversions (ID 363543.01)
#           to the first 5 accounts in the reservoir (Destination Account = -5) up to the volume of water stored out-of-priority by Con-Hoosier Tunnel, 
#           Upper Blue Lakes, Roberts Tunnel, and Dillon Reservoir, as accounted for in the respective out-of-priority Plans
#           (954683OOPPLN, 363570OOPPLN, 364684OOPPLN, 364512OOPPLN) over the April to July period (12 monthly swithces for USGS Water Year included on line 2)
3635430.29  Opr_1955_B_R_Decree_Exch                 38628.00000    -16.       1 363543            -5 363543.04          0 NA                 0      41 NA           Diversion           0       0       0    9999
                                    0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
                                    954683OOPPLN 363570OOPPLN 364684OOPPLN 364512OOPPLN
#  Type 42  Plan Reset
#           Zero out accounting plan for Con-Hoosier Tunnel (ID 954683OOPPLN) on March 31 (12 monthly switces for USGS Water Year included on line 2)
954683PLN.1 Opr_Reset_C-Hoosier_Plan                 99999.99999     12.       1 NA                 0 954683OOPPLN       0 NA                 0      42 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999                 
                                    0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0
#  Type 43  In-Priority Well (or T&C) Depletion
#           Meet augmentation requirements accounted for in Augmentation Plan (ID 0102513) with river flows based on input priority (admin. no. 58925.00001)
01025130.01 ROTHE In-Priority Lagged                 58925.00001       0       1 0102513            1 NA                 0 NA                 0      43 NA           Diversion        0.00    0.00       0    9999 
#  Type 44  Recharge Well
#           Operate recharge well water right (ID 6406709) to recharge area (ID 6402517_R). 
#           Recharge pond seepage accounted for based on seepage characteristics in reservoir structure (*.res) file and  reservoir delay table (*.rrf) file
64025170.08 SEDGWICK Recharge Well                   55971.00000       0       1 6402517_R          1 6406709            0 NA                 0      44 NA           Diversion        0.00    0.00       0    9999    
#  Type 45  Carrier with Transit Loss (allows multiple carriers and associated loses)
#           Carry water through Empire Canal (Carrier ID 0100501) to Empire Reservoir (ID 0103816) using portion (100%) of Empire Reservoir storage right (ID 0103816.01)
#           with losses through carrier (29%) 
01038160.01 Opr_Empire_Store                         20226.00000       1.      1 0103816            1 0103816.01         0 0100501          100      45 NA           Diversion         0.0     0.0       0    9999  
                                    0100501 29 Carrier 
#  Type 46  Multiple Ownership Plans (distributes Plan contents to multiple plans)
#           Split portion of water diverted into Changed Water Rights Plan (ID 614_PLN - see Type 26 above) to number (2) 
#           of Changed Water Rights Plans (614_60PLN, 614_40PLN) owned by users of the total portion of 
#           water diverted from the river based on their specific percentages (60%, 40%, respectively) of the total portion diverted
614_PLN.02  Split_Eureka_Full_Plan_60_40             13765.00002      0.       1 614_60PLN         60 614_PLN            1 NA                 0      46 NA           Diversion           0       2       0    9999                                                                                                          
                                                                                 614_40PLN         40  

#  Type 47 Administration Plan Limits
#          Limit releases associated with plan structure (ID HUPLimitPLN) to monthly and annual amounts listed on Line 2
#          The operating rule that defines the limits of the release limit plan (ID HUPLimit.01) is typically used in General Reservoir Replacement (type 10) or Plan release 
#          to demand (type 27/28) operating rules as a limit on the operation of these other operating rules 
HUPLimit.01 Annual_HUP_Pool_Release_Limit                1.00000      0.       1 NA                 1 HUPLimitPLN        4 0                  0      47 NA           Diversion           0       1       0    9999 
  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.  66000.                                                                                                                                                  
#  Type 48 Plan or Reservoir Reuse to a Plan Direct
#          Meet term and conditions return flow obligations (ID Burl_RFs) with release of Non Reservoir Reuse Plan supplies (ID MetroTh) directly via the river
Metro.09    OprMetroThBurl_RFs                       55835.00014      0.       1 Burl_RFs           0 MetroTh            0 NA                 0      48 NA           NA                  0       0       0    9999 
#  Type 49 Plan or Reservoir Reuse to a Plan by Exchange
#          Meet well augmentation plan requirements (ID 0102513) with releases from Recharge Plan supplies (ID 0102528_PlC) via the river by exchange
01025130.06 ROTHE Recharge                           58925.00003       0       1 0102513            1 0102528_PlC        0 NA                 0      49 NA           Diversion        0.00    0.00       0    9999 
#  Type 50 South Platte Compact Storage
#          Temporarily store the Compact Instream Flow right (ID 6499999.01) in the Compact accounting plan (ID Compact_Pln) under the instream flow priority (17332.00000)
#          This rule works in conjunction with Type 40, see above
Compact_In  Opr_Compact_In                           17332.00000      0.       1 Compact_Pln        1 6499999.01         0 NA                 0      50 NA           Diversion         0.0     0.0       0    9999 