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Stream Summary File (*.xdd)

The Stream Summary File (*.xdd) describes all stream flow data at all river nodes. For nodes with stream gages, only the columns containing hydrology data described below (Upstream Inflow, Reach Gain, Return Flow, River Inflow, River Outflow) have non zero values. Nodes with reservoirs are similar to stream gage nodes but include the column River Divert, which may be positive if the reservoir diverts or negative if the reservoir releases. Instream reach data is printed for the upstream node and represents the minimum diverted within the reach. For detailed instream flow reach analysis, the file *.xir, provides detailed data for each node within the instream flow reach.

This summary file reflects information on “Available Flow”. Available Flow, as used by StateMod, is the minimum of the stream flow at that point on the river and all downstream locations. It is often quite different than the physical flow at that point on the river. Within StateMod, Available Flow is tracked and adjusted as each water right is operated by priority. However, Available Flow printed to the diversion summary report (*.xdd) is the final value after all water rights have been operated. Therefore, Available Flow is the quantity of water that might be available to a future user at that location who would be the most junior in the system.

In addition, Available Flow is often an indicator on why a structure may be shorted. In general, if the reported Available Flow is greater than zero, then a structure may be shorted only if it is limited by capacity or decree. The Available Flow may not be an indicator of why a structure is shorted if the structure is controlled by an operating rule or if the user has imposed limits on when the model will be allowed to re-operate (see the variable ireopx in the control (*.ctl) file). The control file (*.ctl) variables icall and ccall, discussed in more detail below, allow a user to evaluate the transient nature of the Available Flow value for an individual water right as it is operated in priority.

The header of the Stream Summary File (*.xdd) describes the structure ID, account and name. In addition, it describes the administration number, on/off switch, owner, and decreed amount for each water right located at this river node. It then contains a time series for the following:

# Column Description
0 Str ID Structure ID
0 Riv ID River node ID
0 Year Year of the simulation
0 Mo Month of the simulation
1 Total Demand Structure Demand provided in the demand files. Note if demand data is provided as a consumptive value total demand is adjusted using a surface water efficiency
2 CU Demand Consumptive Demand. Note if a consumptive demand file (*.ddc) is provided this value is printed. If a consumptive demand file is not provided this value is calculated from demand and efficiency data
From River by
3 Priority Water Supply from the river by a priority diversion (standard and Operation type 11 diverting structure)
4 Storage Water Supply from the river by a storage release
5 Other Water Supply from the river via an exchange, water right transfer or plan
6 Loss Water Supply lost to the system at the river
From Well
7 From Well Water Supply from wells to the structure at this river node.
From Carrier by
8 Priority Water Supply from a carrier by a priority diversion (Operation type 3 or 11 destination structure)
9 Other Water Supply from a carrier by a storage release or exchange (Operation type 2 or 6 destination structure if not diverting)
10 Loss Water Supply from a carrier lost in transit
11 Carried Exchange Bypass Water Supply diverted for carrier purposes. The source will be presented as a From River by Priority, From Carrier by Priority, or From River by Other.
12 From Soil Water supplied from the soil zone
13 Total Supply The sum of all water supplies (does not include carried Water)
14 Total Short The difference between Total demand and total supply
15 CU Short The difference between the CU demand and CU
Water Use
16 CU Consumptive use of the water supply
17 To Soil Water diverted to the soil zone.
18 To Other For a diversion this column describes the total return flow (e.g. the amount that will return over all return time periods)
For a reservoir this column describes the water diverted to storage.
For an administrative or CU reuse plan this column describes water diverted to the plan
19 Loss Water diverted that is not consumed, to soil or returned. Typically is non zero when the sum of return locations or delays do not equal 100%.
Station In/Out
20 Upstream Inflow Inflow from an upstream node to this reach
21 Reach Gain Inflow from gains to this node as described in stream inflow file (Section 4.14)
22 Return Flow Inflow from returns to this node. Note this term includes returns from both surface and well supplies in the current time step.
23 Well Depletion Depletion caused by pumping in prior time steps. Note this term impacts the river inflow (water supply) this month.
24 To_From GWStor Inflow or outflow to ground water storage. Note this term is positive when ground water storage is required to offset pumping depletions in the current month that cause the river to go negative. This term is negative when stream flow is required to offset water originating from ground water storage in prior months.
Station Balance
25 River Inflow The sum of inflows to this node
26 River Divert The sum of water supplies diverted at this node (does not include From Carrier by Storage or From Carrier by Priority)
27 River by Well The depletion caused by a well in this month. Note this term is similar to a diversion in the current month.
28 River Outflow Outflow from this node
29 Avail Flow Available flow at this river node. This is the amount of water available to a potential user that is the most junior in the basin.
30 Control Location Location on the river that limits the diversion
31 Control Right Water Right that limits the diversion (calling right)