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SmNewRsp StateMod Response

The StateMod Response File preprocessor (SmNewRsp) allows a discontinued StateMod response file to be read and a new StateMod file constructed that is consistent with the Version 10.30 update that allows files to be provide in any order using a file descriptor. As presented below SmNewRsp keys on the suffix recommended and typically used in an existing StateMod response file to build a control file that is consistent with version 10.30 and greater. Note that if any existing file that does not contain a standard, recommended name SmNewRsp will warn the user but will not try to determine the file type. Also, since the new response file format was adopted with version 10.30, any files added after that time (e.g. Plans, Reservoir Return Data, etc.) are not processed. Similar to files with a non-standard suffix, SmNewRsp will warn the user but will not try to determine the file type. When a warning is encountered, the output from SmNewRsp will typically require hand editing before they can be successfully used by StateMod.

To execute SmNewName the user simply types: SmNewName flname.rsp where flname.rsp is an old sequential StateMod response. The new random response file is named SmNewRsp.out. Also execution notes and warnings are reported in file named SmNewRsp.log.

Files processed by SmNewRsp (those in existence before version 10.30)

# Standard Suffix File Description Example Name
1 *.ctl Control rgTWD.ctl
2 *.rin River_Network rgTW.rin
3 *.res Reservoir_Station rgTW.res
4 *.dds Diversion_Station rgTW.dds
5 *.ris StreamGage_Station rgTW.ris
6 *.ifs Instreamflow_Station rgTW.ifs
7 *.wes Well_Station rgTW.wes
8 *.ifr Instreamflow_Right rgTW.ifr
9 *.rer Reservoir_Right rgTW.rer
10 *.ddr Diversion_Right rgTW.ddr
11 *.opr Operational_Right rgTW.opr
12 *.wer Well_Right rgTW.wer
13 *.dum Precipitation Monthly rgTW.pre
14 *.eva Evaporation_Monthly rgTW.eva
15 *.rim Stream_Base_Monthly rgtw.rim
16 *.ddm Diversion_Demand_Monthly rgTW.ddm
17 *.dda Diversion Demand Average Monthly rgTW.dda
18 *.ddo Diversion Demand Override rgTW.ddo
19 *.ifm Instreamflow_Demand_Monthly rgTW.ifm
20 *.ifa Instreamflow_Demand_AverageMonthly rgTW.ifa
21 *.wem Well_Demand_Monthly rgTW.wem
22 *.dly DelayTable_Monthly rgTW.dly
23 *.tar Reservoir_Target_Monthly rgTW.tar
24 *.ipy IrrigationPractice_Yearly rg.ipy
25 *.iwr ConsumptiveWaterRequirement_Monthly rg.iwr
26 *.par SoilMoisture rg.par
27 *.eom Reservoir_Historic_Monthly rgTW.eom
28 *.rib StreamEstimate_Coefficients rgTW.rib
29 *.rih StreamGage_Historic_Monthly rgTW.rih
30 *.ddh Diversion_Historic_Monthly rgTW.ddh
31 *.weh Well_Historic_Monthly rgTW.weh
32 *.gvp GeographicInformation rgTW_StateMod.gvp
33 *.out OutputRequest RgTW.out
34 *.rid Stream_Base_Daily rgTWD.rid
35 *.dum Dummy rgTWD.dum
36 *.dum Dummy rgTWD.dum
37 *.dum Dummy rgTWD.dum
38 *.dum Dummy rgTWD.dum
39 *.dld DelayTable_Daily rgTwD.dld
40 *.iwd ConsumptiveWaterRequirement_Daily rgTWD.iwd
41 *.rhy StreamGage_Historic_Daily rgTWD.rhy
42 *.dhy Diversion_Historic_Daily RgTWD.dhy
43 *.why Well_Historic_Daily RgTWD.why
44 *.eoy Reservoir_Historic_Daily RgTWD.eoy