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TSTool / Command / UnzipFile


The UnzipFile command unzips the contents of a zip (*.zip) or gzip (*.gz) file, saving to a specified output folder. Existing files will be overwritten.

Command Editor

The command is available in the following TSTool menu:

  • Commands / General - File Handling

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

UnzipFile command editor

UnzipFile Command Editor (see full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter                       Description Default                    
The name of the file to unzip. Can be specified using processor ${Property}. None – must be specified.
OutputFile The name of the output file, when the zip file contains a single file. Can be specified using processor ${Property}. This parameter is not enabled. Output file is determined from the zip file contents.
OutputFolder The name of the output folder, to receive the contents of the zip file. Can be specified using processor ${Property}. The output folder will be created if it does not already exist. The default is the same folder as the input file.
IfNotFound Indicate action if the input file is not found, one of:

  • Ignore – ignore the missing file (do not warn).
  • Warn – generate a warning (use this if the file truly is expected and a missing file is a cause for concern).
  • Fail – generate a failure (use this if the file truly is expected and a missing file is a cause for concern).
RemoveOutputFolder Indicate whether to remove the output folder before unzipping:
  • False - do not remove
  • True - remove the folder
  • TrueWithPrompt - remove the folder but only after acknowledging a confirmation prompt (this willl pause command processing and can only be used when running the user interface)
ListInResults Indicate whether to list unzipped output files in results (True) or not (False). It may be necessary to avoid listing for zip files with many entries. True


See the automated tests.


See the main TSTool Troubleshooting documentation.

See Also