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TSTool / Command / LagK


The LagK command can be used to lag and attenuate an input time series, resulting in a new time series. The time series identifier for the new time series is the same as the original time series with “routed” appended to the scenario. The command is commonly used to route an instantaneous flow time series through a stretch of river (reach). Lag and K routing is a common routing method that combines the concepts of:

  1. Lagging the inflow to simulate travel time in a reach and,
  2. Attenuating the wave to simulate the storage-outflow relationship for the reach (see figure below).

Lag and K Routing

Lag and K Routing (see full-size image)

At its fundamental level, the method solves the continuity equation using an approach similar to Muskingum routing (assuming that the Muskingum parameter representing wave storage is negligible). The governing equation for this routing method is given as:

LagK equation

The relationship assumes an outflow-storage relationship of the form:

LagK outflow storage equation

To ensure accurate results, k should be larger or equal to Δt/2. For discrete time steps these relationships translate into:

LagK equation for time steps

In the case that either I_1 , I_2 or O_1 are missing, these values will be set in the following order:

  1. Use data from an observed time series (see ObsTSID parameter below).
  2. Use the nearest value in the input time series (see FillNearest parameter below).
  3. Use the nearest value in the observed time series (see FillNearest parameter and the ObsTSID parameter below).
  4. Use a defined default flow value (see DefaultFlow parameter below).

By default, the identifier of the resulting time series is the same as the original input time series, with the data subtype set to “routed” (e.g., Streamflow becomes Streamflow-routed).

Values for Lag and K parameters can usually be established by comparing routed flows to downstream observations. Alternatively, the Lag can be estimated using the reach length and wave speed in the reach. Without any other information, K can be set to Lag/2.

Command Editor

The command is available in the following TSTool menu:

  • Commands / Models - Routing

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the syntax of the command.

LagK command editor

LagK Command Editor (see full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


The following older command syntax is updated to the above syntax when a command file is read:

TS Alias = LagK(Parameter="Value",...)

Command Parameters

Parameter                        Description Default                           
TSID Identifier or alias for the time series to be routed. It is assumed that this series describes an instantaneous flow. Due to the lagging, the first data values required for the computation of O_2 are not available within this time series and are therefore set to values set in the InflowStates parameter. See also the ObsTSID time series, and the FillNearest and DefaultFlow parameters. None – must be specified.
ObsTSID Identifier or alias for an observed time series. If specified, the missing values in the TSID time series will be taken from the observed time series if non-missing. ObsTSID can be used in conjunction with FillNearest to substitute a missing value in the TSID time series with the nearest non-missing value in ObsTSID. None
Alias The alias to assign to the time series, as a literal string or using the special formatting characters listed by the command editor. The alias is a short identifier used by other commands to locate time series for processing, as an alternative to the time series identifier (TSID). None – must be specified.
FillNearest If set to True, then when a missing data value is found anywhere in the lagged period, a replacement value will be determined by searching forward and back in time in the input time series to find the nearest non-missing value. The maximum search window depends on the interval of the TSID time series:
  • <= Seconds: 1000 intervals
  • Minute, Hour: 1 day
  • Day: 1 Week
  • > Day: 1 interval only

The assumption is that a flow value close in time will be representative of the missing value and will not result in significant errors. This option has lower precedence than specifying the ObsTSID data. It can also find non-missing data in the ObsTSID if ObsTSID is defined (lower precedence). Both options have a higher precedence than DefaultFlow.
DefaultFlow A flow value in the units of the input time series that is substituted for missing values in the input time series. This has the lowest precedence of all missing data substitutions. It will be applied at any time in the lagged period. 0
Lag Lag time for the modeled reach in the units of the TSID time series base interval. For example, if the input time series is 10 minutes, the units of Lag are assumed to be minutes. The Lag value is not required to be evenly divisible by the time step interval; values in the time series between time steps will be linearly interpolated. Required
K Attenuation factor to be applied to the wave. The units of K are time, and like the Lag value, it is assumed to have the same units as the input time series. Required
InflowStates Comma-delimited list of default inflow values prior to the start of the time series. The order of the values is earliest to latest. The array must specify (Lag/multiplier) + 1 values; i.e., a 10 minute interval with a Lag of 30 must be provided with 30/10 + 1 = 4 inflow carryover values. Note: Specifying values that are not consistent with the Lag and K parameters will result in oscillation! 0 for each value.
OutflowStates Comma-delimited list of default outflow values prior to the start of the time series. See InflowStates for details. 0 for each value.


See the automated tests.

A sample command file is as follows (commands to read time series are omitted):



See the main TSTool Troubleshooting documentation.

See Also