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Streamflow File - Daily (*.rid)

The daily streamflow file contains baseflows or a daily pattern for each day of the simulation period. To simplify the preparation of daily data, StateMod allows the user to provide daily data or a pattern to be used with monthly data. When the daily river station variable crunidy is set to 3 the river station variable crunid is used to indicate daily data controls and any monthly data provided in the monthly streamflow file (*.rim or *.xbm) is ignored. When the river station variable crunidy is set to any ID including its own StateMod uses daily data as a pattern to estimate daily data from monthly data as follows:


\(Qd\) = daily estimated flow

\(Dp\) = daily flow (pattern)

\(Qm\) = monthly flow from the monthly flow file (*.rim)

\(Dm\) = monthly sum of daily flow (pattern)

This file is only required if the model is operated in a daily mode. Data can be entered with stations entered in any order. This file is read by subroutine DAYDATA.

Row-data Variable Description
1 Format (i5,1x,i4,5x,i5,1x,i4,a5,a5)
1-1 ibm Beginning month of data (e.g. 1 = Jan)
1-2 iby Beginning year of data (e.g. 1975)
1-3 iem Ending month of data
1-4 iey Ending year of data
1-5 cunit Units of data ('CFS')
1-6 cyr Year type
'CYR' = calendar year (1-12)
'WYR' = water year (10-9)
'IYR' = irrigation year (11-12)
Time Series Data
2 Format (i4, i4, 1x, a12, 31f8.0, f8.0)
2-1 idyr Year
2-2 cistat Daily station ID
2-3 virindx(1-31) Streamflow (cfs) or pattern (unitless) for days 1-31, etc.