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3.5 - StateCU Advanced Modeling Options

This section discusses advanced modeling options that are currently supported by the FORTRAN executable, but not yet supported by the StateCU GUI. Manipulation of individual input files, generally through a text editor, is necessary to implement these modeling options. Once the files have been edited, the StateCU scenarios can be simulated through the GUI or using the StateCU FORTRAN executable accessed through a DOS command prompt. Note that if the scenario is simulated through the GUI, any additional edits made through the GUI may overwrite the edits made externally.

Each section below provides a summary of the advanced modeling option and the revisions to specific input files necessary to implement the option.

3.5.1 - Advanced Output Options

StateCU generates a large amount of output data for each model scenario, therefore StateCU allows the user to manage the level of output information for each scenario. Many of these ‘levels’ of output can be set through the StateCU GUI, as shown in Section 2.5.2. There are additional output options not available through the StateCU GUI that can be implemented by setting the typout variable to select values in the Model Control File (*ccu), as indicated in Section 4.4. The following summarizes these output options:

  • typout= 5 provides the same output information as typout= 3, plus a Detailed Water Budget by Land Category summary (*.4wb) for all structures in the scenario. Note that depending on the scenario size, this generates a significantly large output file. If information is required for only a handful of structures, use the typout= 4 option available through the GUI.
  • typout= 11 provides the same output information as typout= 1, plus includes Scenario Totals and Water District Totals in the binary output (*.bd1)
  • typout= 12 provides the same output information typout= 2, plus includes Scenario Totals and Water District Totals in the binary output (*.bd1)
  • typout= 13 provides the same output information typout= 3, plus includes Scenario Totals and Water District Totals in the binary output (*.bd1)
  • typout= 14 provides the same output information typout= 4, plus includes Scenario Totals and Water District Totals in the binary output (*.bd1)
  • typout= 15 provides the same output information typout= 5, plus includes Scenario Totals and Water District Totals in the binary output (*.bd1)

3.5.2 - Deficit Irrigation

StateCU allows the user to estimate ground water diversions (pumping) to meet all or only a portion of the remaining irrigation water requirement after available surface water diversions have been applied. The StateCU default is to estimate ground water diversions to meet all of the remaining irrigation water requirement; ‘deficit irrigation’ occurs when ground water diversions are estimated to meet only a portion of the remaining irrigation water requirement. The ‘deficit irrigation’ model option is implemented by including a whole number percent (0 to 100) for the def_irr variable in the Model Control File (*.ccu), as indicated in Section 4.4. Note that when def_irr > 0, the pumping reduction is only applied to structures with acreage served by ground water as specified in the Irrigation Parameter Yearly file (*.ipy) that have no historical pumping specified in the Well Historic Pumping file (*.pvh).

3.5.3 - Replacement Crop Requirement

StateCU allows the user to include an externally-developed crop requirement file for some or all structures in a scenario that can be used in place of the StateCU-estimated crop requirement, as discussed in Section 4.29 and Section 4.30. This modeling option allows the user to bypass the crop consumptive use functionality in StateCU, while taking advantage of the water budget functionality in StateCU. This option is implemented by including a monthly Replacement Crop Requirement File (*.rcr) with all structures in a scenario or a Partial Crop Requirement File (*.pcr) with a portion of the structures in a scenario, designated by the Replacement_Crop_Requirement and Partial_Crop_Requirement variables in the Response File (*.rcu). Although the crop consumptive use functionality is bypassed when a replacement crop requirement file is included, "dummy" placeholder files must be included in the response file for climate and crop files (e.g. climate station file, temperature file, crop distribution file). Note that soil moisture parameters are based on information in the crop distribution file (*.cds) and care should be taken to reflect actual crops in this placeholder file.

3.5.4 - Scenarios with Numerous Structures

The StateCU GUI has the capability to process scenarios with up to 900 structures, due to array limitations in the VB.NET environment. The StateCU FORTRAN executable has the capability to process scenarios up to 1,200 structures, although a warning that greater than 900 structures are included will be printed in the log file. For scenarios with a very large number of structures, it is recommended that the user simulate the scenario using the FORTRAN executable via a DOS command line window.