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TSTool / Command / SetProperty


The SetProperty command sets the value of a property used by the time series processor. Processor properties are similar to variables in programming languages and TSTool processor properties have a name, type (e.g., integer, string), and value. The property will be available to subsequent commands that support using ${Property} notation in parameters, for example to specify filenames more dynamically or use with If commands. The documentation for each command indicates which command parameters can be specified as a property. This command should not be confused with the SetTimeSeriesProperty command, which sets a property on specific time series. The following functionality is provided:

  • Set a property to a specified value, where the property can be a Boolean, String, DateTime, Double, or Integer type.
  • Set a property to a special value such as empty string or other special values.
  • Remove an existing property so that it is no longer available to the processor. Care should be taken to understand the implications of removing a property. For example, if the property is used in later commands, then removing will cause the processor to not find the property. It may be more appropriate, for example, to set a string property to an empty string rather than removing.
  • Set a property by modifying a previous processor property using basic math manipulations. In this case, specify the initial property value with ${Property} and then use the Math tab parameters to manipulate the initial value.

Command Editor

The command is available in the following TSTool menu:

  • Commands / General - Running and Properties

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax for general parameters.

SetProperty command editor for general set parameters

SetProperty Command Editor for General Set Parameters (see full-size image)

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax for environment variable parameters.

SetProperty command editor for environment variable parameters

SetProperty Command Editor for Environment Variable Parameters (see full-size image)

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax for Java property parameters.

SetProperty command editor for Java property parameters

SetProperty Command Editor for Java Property Parameters (see full-size image)

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax for special value parameters.

SetProperty command editor for special value parameters

SetProperty Command Editor for Special Value Parameters (see full-size image)

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax for removing a property.

SetProperty command editor for removing a property

SetProperty Command Editor for Removing a Property (see full-size image)

The following illustrates how to perform a math operation on a property. In this case, a new property name can be assigned (or existing name reused) in the PropertyName parameter. The PropertyValue parameter must specify the name of an existing property using ${Property} notation. This causes the old value to be retrieved and then the math operation is performed. A common operation would be to increment a property’s value in a For loop.

SetProperty command editor for performing math with main property parameters

SetProperty Command Editor for Performing Math with Main Property Parameters (see full-size image)

The following illustrates the math input parameters.

SetProperty command editor for performing math with math input

SetProperty Command Editor for Performing Math with Math Input (see full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Tab Parameter                           Description Default          
Set PropertyName
The property name. None - must be specified.
Set PropertyType The property type, used for validation, one of:
  • Boolean – a boolean
  • DateTime – a date/time
  • Double – a floating point number
  • Integer – an integer
  • String – a string

DateTime objects can be specified with special syntax to use current time and modifiers on the DateTime. See the SetInputPeriod command for more information.
None – must be specified when setting a new property, although is not needed when setting to null or removing.
Set PropertyValue The value of the property, adhering to property type constraints. Date/time properties should be specified using standard formats such as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, to an appropriate precision. Special date/time syntax is recognized, as shown in the above figure. Global properties can be used with the ${Property} syntax. None – must be specified when setting a value. The parameter is not needed when setting special values or removing the property.
Environment Variable EnvironmentVariable The name of the environment variable to provide the value. The PropertyName will be used to store the value.
Java Property JavaProperty The name of the Java property to provide the value. The PropertyName will be used to store the value.
Special Values SetEmpty If specified as True, the String property will be set to an empty string. The PropertyValue parameter will be used.
Special Values SetNaN If specified as True, the Double property will be set to the special “not a number” (NaN) value. The PropertyValue parameter will be used.
Special Values SetNull If specified as True, the property will be set to null (not specified). The PropertyValue parameter will be used.
Remove (Unset) RemoveProperty If specified as True, the property will be removed and will be unavailable to the processor. Only user-defined properties can be removed (not important internal properties). The PropertyValue parameter will be used.
Math Add Value to add to the property value, can be specified using ${Property}:
  • Double or Integer property value will be incremented by Add.
  • String property value will have Add appended.
  • DateTime property value will be shifted forward in time by Add (e.g., Add=1Day).
No addition.
Math Subtract Value to subtract from the property value, can be specified using ${Property}:
  • Double or Integer property value will be decremented by Subtract.
  • String property value will have Subtract removed for all occurrences.
  • DateTime property value will be shifted back in time by Subtract (e.g., Subtract=1Day).
No subtraction.
Math Multiply Value to multiply the property value, can be specified using ${Property}:
  • Double or Integer property value will be multiplied by Multiply.
No multiplication.
Math Divide Value to divide the property value, can be specified using ${Property}:
  • Double or Integer property value will be divided by Divide. Dividing by zero will set the result to NaN for Double and null for Integer.
No division.


See the automated tests.


See the main TSTool Troubleshooting documentation.

See Also