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TSTool / Command / WriteTimeSeriesToHydroJSON


This command is under development. The HydroJSON format is a new open data format that is being developed by USGS, Army Corps, and Reclamation agencies for data exchange. It is not clear how much support this format has.

The WriteTimeSeriesToHydroJSON command writes time series to a file using HydroJSON format, which adheres to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) notation. The file can be included in a JavaScript script to instantiate data objects. Refer to the HydroJSON Input Type Appendix for more information about the format. The main complexity with writing the file is that the HydroJSON format has elements that cannot be mapped to standard TSTool time series properties. Consequently, default mapping is implemented where obvious and the ability to override with time series properties is provided for many HydroJSON elements. The following figures illustrate how such mapping can occur.

Command Editor

The command is available in the following TSTool menu:

  • Commands / Output Time Series

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the syntax of the command for time series parameters.

WriteTimeSeriesToHydroJSON command editor for time series parameters

WriteTimeSeriesToHydroJSON Command Editor for Time Series Parameters (see full-size image)

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the syntax of the command for station parameters.

WriteTimeSeriesToHydroJSON command editor for station parameters

WriteTimeSeriesToHydroJSON Command Editor for Station Parameters (see full-size image)

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the syntax of the command for output parameters.

WriteTimeSeriesToHydroJSON command editor for Output parameters

WriteTimeSeriesToHydroJSON Command Editor for Output Parameters (see full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter                 Description Default                           
TSList Indicates the list of time series to be processed, one of:
  • AllMatchingTSID – all time series that match the TSID (single TSID or TSID with wildcards) will be processed.
  • AllTS – all time series before the command.
  • EnsembleID – all time series in the ensemble will be processed (see the EnsembleID parameter).
  • FirstMatchingTSID – the first time series that matches the TSID (single TSID or TSID with wildcards) will be processed.
  • LastMatchingTSID – the last time series that matches the TSID (single TSID or TSID with wildcards) will be processed.
  • SelectedTS – the time series are those selected with the SelectTimeSeries command.
TSID The time series identifier or alias for the time series to be processed, using the * wildcard character to match multiple time series. Can be specified using ${Property}. Required if TSList=*TSID
EnsembleID The ensemble to be processed, if processing an ensemble. Can be specified using ${Property}. Required if TSList=*EnsembleID
OutputStart The date/time for the start of the output. [start_timestep] Use the global output period.
OutputEnd The date/time for the end of the output. [end_timestep] Use the global output period.
MissingValue The value to write to the file to indicate a missing value in the time series, must be a number or NaN. Currently not enabled.
Precision The number of digits after the decimal for numerical output. Currently not enabled.
TIdentifier The time series identifier for HydroJSON output. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [tsid?] Alias if available, or time series identifier (TSID).
THash Hash code that uniquely identifies the time series. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [hash] Blank
TQualityType Time series quality type? [quality_type] Blank
TParameter Time series parameter (data type). Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [parameter] Time series data type.
TDuration Time series duration. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [duration] Blank
TInterval Time series interval. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [interval] Blank
TUnits Time series data units. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [units] Time series data units
SName Station name. Can specify using `${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [name] Location part of time series.
SResponsibility Agency responsible for station. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [responsibility] Blank
SCoordLatitude Station latitude. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [latitude] null
SCoordLongitude Station longitude. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [longitude] null
SCoordDatum Station horizontal datum. Can specify using ${Property} and${ts:Property}`. [datum] Blank
SHUC Station hydrologic unit code. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [huc] Blank
SElevValue Station elevation. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [value] null
SElevAccuracy Station elevation accuracy. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [accuracy] null
SElevDatum Station vertical datum. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [datum] Blank
SElevMethod Station elevation method. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [method] Blank
STimeZone Station time zone. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [timezone] Blank
STimeZoneOffset Station time zone offset. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [tz_offset] Blank
STimeFormat Format used for timestamps in file. [time_format] Blank
SActiveFlag Flag indicating whether station is active, T or F. [active_flag] Blank
SLocationType Station location type. Can specify using ${Property} and ${ts:Property}. [location_type] Blank
The JSON output file. The path to the file can be absolute or relative to the working directory (command file location). Global properties can be used to specify the filename, using the ${Property} syntax. None – must be specified.
PrintNice If True, format HydroJSON with line breaks so that output is human-readable. If False, minimal formatting occurs, suitable for website products. False

In addition to the HydroJSON properties that can be specified above, the following values are automatically calculated:

HydroJSON Value Description
values Time series values are taken from time series date/time, value, and flag.
count Number of non-missing and missing values (?).
min_value Minimum value in time series in output period.
max_value Maximum value in time series in output period.


See the automated tests.


See the main TSTool Troubleshooting documentation.

See Also