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TSTool / Command / SetTimeSeriesProperty


The SetTimeSeriesProperty command sets the value of one or more time series properties. Properties that are used to uniquely identify the time series (location identifier, data source, data type, interval, scenario) cannot be set because other commands need to rely on this information to reference the time series.

Built-in properties are those that are part of the internal time series data object (units, precision, description, etc.) and can be referenced using % format specifiers in some commands.

User-defined properties are handled as a list of properties and can be referenced by other commands using the ${ts:Property} notation. See also the SetTimeSeriesPropertiesFromTable and SelectTimeSeries commands. Property names are case-specific.

Command Editor

The command is available in the following TSTool menu:

  • Commands / Set Time Series Contents

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax for built-in properties.

SetTimeSeriesProperty command editor

SetTimeSeriesProperty Command Editor for Built-in Properties (see full-size image)

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax for user-defined properties.

SetTimeSeriesProperty User

SetTimeSeriesProperty Command Editor for User-defined Properties (see full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Scope Parameter             Description Default                        
All TSList Indicates the list of time series to be processed, one of:

  • AllMatchingTSID – all time series that match the TSID (single TSID or TSID with wildcards) will be modified.
  • AllTS– all time series before the command.
  • EnsembleID – all time series in the ensemble will be modified.
  • FirstMatchingTSID – the first time series that matches the TSID (single TSID or TSID with wildcards) will be modified.
  • LastMatchingTSID – the last time series that matches the TSID (single TSID or TSID with wildcards) will be modified.
  • SelectedTS – the time series are those selected with the SelectTimeSeries command.
TSID The time series identifier or alias for the time series to be modified, using the * wildcard character to match multiple time series. Can be specified using ${Property} syntax. Required if TSList=*TSID
EnsembleID The ensemble to be modified, if processing an ensemble. Can be specified using ${Property} syntax. Required if TSList=EnsembleID
Built-in Description The description to assign to the time series. Can be specified using ${Property} syntax. None.
Units The data units to assign to the time series. The units should agree with the time series data values. Can be specified using ${Property} syntax. None.
Precision Number of digits after the decimal point when formatting data for output. Can be specified using ${Property}. Commands and visualization tools may determine the precision from the data units or default for a software feature.
Editable If set to True, then graphing the time series will enable interactive editing features, including the ability to save the edited time series if the data management system supports this functionality. False
User-defined PropertyName Name of user-defined property.
PropertyType Property type, to ensure proper initialization and data check. Required if PropertyName is specified.
PropertyValue Value for property as a string but adhering to the property type requirements (e.g., date as a string must match format that can be parsed). Specify % formatter to access a built-in time series property, ${ts:Property} to access a user-defined time series property, and ${Property} to access a processor property. Required if PropertyName is specified.


See the automated tests.


See the main TSTool Troubleshooting documentation.

See Also