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TSTool / Command / CreateRegressionTestCommandFile


The CreateRegressionTestCommandFile command is used for software testing and validation of workflow processes. The command creates a command file that includes a StartRegressionTestResultsReport command and multiple RunCommands commands, each of which runs a test command file. A starting search folder is provided and all files that match the given pattern (by convention Test_*.TSTool and test-*.tstool) are assumed to be command files that can be run to test the software. The resulting command file is a test suite comprised of all the individual tests and can be used to verify software before release. The goal is to have all tests pass before software is released and not retain broken tests in the test repository. A passing test normally means that software is able to produce a result; however, it may mean that software is unable to achieve a result, and such a failure is expected and handled (see the #@expectedStatus annotation below).

The following table lists tags (annotations) that can be placed in # comments in command files to provide information for testing, for example:

#@expectedStatus Failure

# Comment Annotations used by CreateRegressionTestCommandFile Command

Comment Tag                                                  Description
#@enabled False The RunCommands command will by default run the command file that is provided. However, if the @enabled False tag is specified in a comment in the command file, RunCommands will skip the command file. This is useful to disable a test that needs additional work.
#@expectedStatus Failure
#@expectedStatus Warning
The RunCommands command ExpectedStatus parameter is by default Success. Using the comment in the original command file will result in a corresponding RunCommands(ExpectedStatus=...) parameter to indicate how to handle overall test status. A status can be specified if it is expected that a command file will result in Warning or Failure and still be a successful test. For example, if a command is obsolete and should generate a failure, the expected status can be specified as Failure and the test will pass. Another example is to test that the software properly treats a missing file as a failure. In the future, the individual command file status may be detected without needing to use a RunCommands parameter.
#@order ... Control the order of command files (under development).
#@os Windows
#@os UNIX
#@os linux
The test is designed to work only on the specified platform and will be included in the test suite only if the IncludeOS parameter includes the corresponding operating system (OS) type. This is primarily used to test specific features of the OS and similar but separate test cases should be implemented for both OS types. If the OS type is not specified as a tag in a command file, the test is always included (see also the handling of included test suites). UNIX is equivalent to linux and can also be used for Apple computers. This may be replaced with require in the future.
@readOnly Indicates that the command file should not be edited. TSTool will update old command syntax to current syntax when a command file is loaded. However, this tag will cause the software to warn the user when saving the command file, so that they can cancel.
@require ... Indicate requirements that must be met as a pre-condition in order to successfully run the command file. See the discussion below.
@testSuite ABC Indicate that the command file should be considered part of the specified test suite, as specified with the IncludeTestSuite and ExcludeTestSuite parameters. The test is included in all test collections if the tag is not specified; therefore, for general tests, do not specify a test suite. This tag is useful if a group of tests require special setup, for example connecting to a database. The suite names should be decided upon by the test developer.

@require Comment

One or more @require comments can be used to check whether pre-conditions are met that allow including a test in a test suite. See the # Comment and datastore documentation for full @require syntax. The @require comments can be interpreted in two general cases:

  • pre-processing command files as a filter, such as by this command
    • this may result in a test being omitted from a test suite
  • run-time requirement checks to ensure conditions for a test
    • for example, require that the test is being run by a normal or root/admin/sudo user
    • this is the default case when running commands
    • this may result in tests failing if requirements are not met

Currently, this command evaluates @require comment conditions and ONLY includes the test in the test suite if requirements are met. This allows, for example, multiple versions of tests to be created that each work with different datastore versions. Otherwise, tests would be included when they should not be an failed tests will confuse the final results.

However, this behavior is problematic if the requirements are dynamic and cannot be met as intended when this command is run, which would mistakenly filter out tests. For example datastores may be opened dynamically at runtime but are not available when this command is run. Other requirements may also not be met when this command runs and are key to evaluating the tests. A future update of this command will address these complexities.

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.


CreateRegressionTestCommandFile Command Editor (see also the full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter                           Description Default                
One or more folders to search for regression test command files, separated by commas. All subfolders will also be searched. Can use ${Property}. The order of files for processing is as follows:
  1. Search folders are in the order specified in the parameter.
  2. Matched files within a top-level search folder are sorted alphabetically.
  3. The #@order annotations are evaluated and order adjusted accordingly (under development).
None - must be specified.
The name of the command file to create, enclosed in double quotes if the file contains spaces or other special characters. A path relative to the command file containing this command can be specified. Can specify using ${Property}. None - must be specified.
SetupCommandFile The name of a TSTool command file that supplies setup commands, and which will be prepended to output. Use such a file to open database connections and set other global settings that apply to the entire test run. Can specify using ${Property}. Do not include setup commands.
TestResultsFile The OutputFile for the StartRegressionTestResultsReport file containing test results. The path will be relative to the OutputFile folder from this CreateRegressionTestCommandFile command. OutputFile + .out.txt
EndCommandFile The name of a TSTool command file that supplies end commands, and which will be appended to the output. Use such a file to output the test results table to a delimited file or Excel. See TestResultsTableID. Can specify using ${Property}. Do not include end commands.
FilenamePattern Pattern(s) to find TSTool command files, using * wildcards, separated by commas. Test_*.TSTool and test-*.tstool, ignoring case.
Append Indicate whether to append to the output file (True) or overwrite (False). This allows multiple directory trees to be searched for tests, where the first command typically specifies False and additional commands specify True. True
IncludeTestSuite If *, all tests that match FilenamePattern and IncludeOS are included. If a test suite is specified, only include tests that have @testSuite tag values that match a value in IncludeTestSuite. One or more tags can be specified, separated by commas. * - include all test suites.
ExcludeTestSuite List of test suites, separated by commas, to exclude, after considering IncludeTestSuite. Tests that have matching @testSuite tag values will be excluded. Include all test suites.
IncludeOS If *, all tests that match FilenamePattern and IncludeTestSuite are included. If an OS is specified, only include tests that have @os tag values that match a value in IncludeTestSuite. This tag is typically specified once or not at all. * - include all test cases.
UseOrder Indicate whether @order annotations should be processed to control the order of command files: False or True. It may be simpler to create a command file that naturally sorts, for example place a setup command file in a folder starting with 0 that sorts before other test folders. True
TestResultsTableID The identifier of an output table to be created. The table will be passed to the StartRegressionTestResultsReport command. No table will be output.


See the Quality Control chapter for how to set up a regression test.

An example of the output file from running the tests is:

# File generated by...
# program:      TSTool 10.20.00 (2013-04-10)
# user:         sam
# date:         Sat Apr 20 13:36:05 MDT 2013
# host:         AMAZON
# directory:    C:\Develop\TSTool_SourceBuild\TSTool\test\regression\TestSuites\commands_general\run
# command line: TSTool
#  -home test/operational/CDSS
# Command file regression test report from StartRegressionTestResultsReport() and RunCommands()
# Explanation of columns:
# Num: count of the tests
# Enabled: TRUE if test enabled or FALSE if "#@enabled false" in command file
# Run Time: run time in milliseconds
# Test Pass/Fail:
#    The test status below may be PASS or FAIL (or blank if disabled).
#    A test will pass if the command file actual status matches the expected status.
#    Disabled tests are not run and do not count as PASS or FAIL.
#    Search for *FAIL* to find failed tests.
# Commands Expected Status:
#    Default is assumed to be SUCCESS.
#    "#@expectedStatus Warning|Failure" comment in command file overrides default.
# Commands Actual Status:
#    The most severe status (Success|Warning|Failure) for each command file.
#    |       |Test  |Commands  |Commands   |
#    |       |Pass/ |Expected  |Actual     |
# Num|Enabled|Fail  |Status    |Status     |Command File
    1| TRUE  | PASS |SUCCESS   |SUCCESS    |C:\Develop\TSTool_SourceBuild\TSTool\test\regression\commands\general\ARMA\Test_ARMA_Day.TSTool
    2| TRUE  | PASS |SUCCESS   |SUCCESS    |C:\Develop\TSTool_SourceBuild\TSTool\test\regression\commands\general\ARMA\Test_ARMA_Legacy.TSTool
    3| TRUE  | PASS |SUCCESS   |SUCCESS    |C:\Develop\TSTool_SourceBuild\TSTool\test\regression\commands\general\ARMA\Test_ARMA_Legacy_Ast.TSTool
    4| TRUE  | PASS |SUCCESS   |SUCCESS    |C:\Develop\TSTool_SourceBuild\TSTool\test\regression\commands\general\ARMA\Test_ARMA_Legacy…
FAIL count     =     0,   0.000%
PASS count     =    17, 100.000%
Disabled count =     1
Total          =    18


See Also