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Historic Streamflow File - Monthly (*.rih)

The monthly historic streamflow file is used by the baseflow module to estimate Base flows at gaged and ungaged locations. The monthly historic streamflow file is also used by the report module to compare simulated results to gaged observations. Note, the base flow module may be executed with missing streamflow data (specified by -999) to allow mans' impact to be removed prior to filling missing data gaps using a technique such as regression. This file is read by subroutine VIRGEN.

Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (i5,1x,i4,5x,i5,1x,i4,a5,a5)
1-1 ibm Beginning month of data (e.g. 1 = Jan)
1-2 iby Beginning year of data (e.g. 1975)
1-3 iem Ending month of data
1-4 iey Ending year of data
1-5 cunit Units of data ('ACFT' or 'CFS')
1-6 cyr Year type
'CYR' = calendar year (1-12)
'WYR' = water year (10-9)
'IYR' = irrigation year (11-12)
Time Series Data
2 Format (i4, 1x, a12, 12f8.0)
2-1 iryr Year
2-2 cistat Demand station ID
2-3 runoff(1-12,1) Gaged streamflow for months 1-12
Enter -999 to indicate missing data

Repeat for the number of gages provided in the river station file (Section 4.4)

Repeat for each year of the simulation