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Other Simulation Files (*.xir), (*.xdy), (*.xry), (*.xwy), (*.xpl)

The Instream Reach Summary File (*.xir) provides a matrix of total supply for each node associated with an instream flow reach.

The Daily Direct Diversion File (*.xdy) provides the same data as the monthly diversion and instream flow file (*.xdd) but on a daily time step.

The Daily Reservoir Station file (*.xry) provides the same data as the monthly reservoir station file (*.xre) but on a daily time step.

The Daily Well Station file (*.xwy) provides the same data as the monthly well station file (*.xwe) but on a daily time step.

The Plan Summary file (*.xpl) provides a summary of plan data and operational rules associated with a a plan, as discussed for each plan type above.