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Additional Output Reports

The Standard Report (-xst) produces four files; the Demand Summary File (*.xdd), the Reservoir Summary File (*.xre), the Instream Reach Summary File (*.xir), the Well Summary File (*.xwe), and the Operation Right Summary File (*.xop). These are the same files produced by the simulate option and are described above.

The Node Accounting Report (-xna) produces two files: the Detailed Node Accounting (*.xnm) file and Summary Node Accounting (*.xna) file. Both provide the same results as the standard report but are sorted by the stream order provided in the river network file (*.rin). The detailed node accounting file provided data for every month of the study period while the summary provides an annual average.

The Diversion Graph Report (-xdg) provides the same data presented in the diversion and stream gage summary report but it is formatted for easy graphing by a spreadsheet or other plotting package (e.g. XMGR for the workstation).

The Reservoir Graph Report (-xrg) provides the same data presented in the reservoir summary report but it is formatted for easy graphing by a spreadsheet or other plotting package (e.g. XMGR for the workstation).

The Well Graph Report (-xwg) provides the same data presented in the well summary report but it is formatted for easy graphing by a spreadsheet or other plotting package (e.g. XMGR for the workstation).

The Diversion Comparison Report (-xdc) compares the total diversion estimated by the model to the gaged record if available in the historic diversion file (*.ddh). Its output file is named *.xdc. If the user specifies –Report as a secondary parameter when executing this option (e.g. –report –xdc –Report) a Diversion Comparison Summary Report (*.xdc) is generated for each Reach specified in the Reach Data (*.rch) file.

The Reservoir Comparison Report (-xrc) compares the end of month contents estimated by the model to the gaged record if available in the historic end of month content file (*.eom).

The Well Comparison Report (-xwc) compares the total well pumping estimated by the model to the gaged record if available in the historic well pumping file (*.weh). Its output file is named *.xwc. If the user specifies –Report as a secondary parameter when executing this option (e.g. –report –xwc –Report) a Well Comparison Summary Report (*.xwc) is generated for each Reach specified in the Reach Data (*.rch) file.

The Stream Comparison Report (-xsc) compares the total diversion estimated by the model to the gaged record if available in the historic streamflow file (*.xsc). Its output file is named *.xsc. If the user specifies –Report as a secondary parameter when executing this option (e.g. –report –xsc –Report) a Stream Comparison Summary Report (*.xsc) is generated for each Reach specified in the Reach Data (*.rch) file.

The Consumptive Use Water Supply Report (-xcu) provides four output files; *.xcu, *.xsu, *.xsh and *.xwd. The CU summary (*.xcu) presents the total diversion by each structure in a special format required by the CRDSS consumptive use model. The supply summary (*.xsu) presents the total supply to each structure. The shortage summary (*.xsh) presents the shortage associated with each structure. The water district summary (*.xwd) presents the total diversion for each Reach specified in the Reach Data (*.rch) file.

The River Data Summary Report (-xrx) provides a summary of data provided by river node. The Selected Parameter Report (-xsp) provides a printout of a selected parameter (e.g. Total_Diversion) available to the standard diversion (*.xdd), reservoir (*.xre) and well (*.xwe) output files. It reads the Output Request file (*.out) to determine the type of output (e.g. Diversion, InstreamFlow, StreamGage, Reservoir or Well), parameter (e.g. Total_Diversion) and ID to print. It creates two output files with the same data in a different format; the output formatted into a matrix is named *.xsp while the output formatted into a column is named *.xs2. Note to get a list of parameters for each data type, enter a dummy variable under parameter type (e.g. x) and review the log file.

The Daily Selected Parameter Report (-xds) provides a printout of a selected parameter (e.g. Total_Diversion) available to the standard daily diversion (*.xdy), reservoir (*.xry) and well (*.xwy) output files. It reads the Output Request file (*.out) to determine the type of output (e.g. diversion), parameter (e.g. Total_Diversion) and ID to print. It creates two output files with the same data in a different format; the output formatted into a matrix is named *.xds while the output formatted into a column is named *.xd2. Note to get a list of parameters for each data type (diversion, stream, instream flow, reservoir or well) enter a dummy variable under parameter type (e.g. x) and review the log file. The Well to Plan Summary (-xwp) provides a summary of every well structure and the augmentation plans, if any, associated with a well structure.

The Log File (*.log) contains a log of the report module's operation. The log file contains important information for the user; it is recommended the user review the log file and understand and/or address if necessary any warnings after each model execution.

The control file contains a variable named ichk that is used to obtain detailed results. Section 4.2 provides a description of these detailed report options.