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River Gage File (*.rig)

The river gage file is used to describe the name and location of nodes where gaged streamflows are located. Gaged streamflows have a historical time series in the historical stream flow file (*.rih). This file is part of a future enhancement that clearly separates data in the river station file (*.ris) into gaged and non gaged flow locations. Currently this file is used by the daily baseflow module only. This file is read by subroutine VIRIN.

Row-data Variable Description
Station Data
1 Format (a12, a24, a12, 1x, a12)
1-1 crunid(1) Stream Gage station ID
1-2 runnam(i,1) Station name
1-3 cgoto(1) River node with a stream gage
1-4 crunidy(1) Daily Stream station ID (for daily model only). See Section 7.17 for a detailed discussion.
Enter Stream station ID (crunid) if daily data will be provided for this station. Monthly data controls.
Enter another stream station ID to use the daily distribution of another but weight values by the monthly total in *.rim file. Monthly data controls.
Enter 0 to use the average daily value from the monthly total in the *.rim file. Monthly data controls.
Enter 3 to use the daily value provided in the daily river (*.rid) file. Daily data controls.
Enter 4 to use a daily pattern developed by connecting the midpoints of monthly data. Monthly data controls.

Repeat for the number of stream gages