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Irrigation Water Requirement File - Daily (*.ddx)

The daily consumptive water requirement (*.ddx) file contains the CU requirement for direct diversion and well only structures for each day of the simulation period. It is only used when the control file (*.ctl) variable efficiency control (ieffmax) = 1. To simplify the preparation of daily data, StateMod allows the user to provide daily data or a pattern to be used with monthly data. When the diversion station variable cdividy is set to the diversion station variable cdivid daily data controls and any monthly data provided in the monthly consumptive water requirement file (*.ddc) is ignored. When the river station variable cdividy is set to any ID other than its own direct flow station variable cdivid. StateMod uses daily data as a pattern to estimate daily data using the same approach described under daily streamflow data (Section 4.36).

This file is only required if the model is operated in a daily mode with variable efficiency (control file itsfile = 1 or 10). Data can be entered with stations entered in any order. This file is read by subroutine DAYDATA.

Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (i5,1x,i4,5x,i5,1x,i4,a5,a5)
1-1 ibm Beginning month of data (e.g. 1 = Jan)
1-2 iby Beginning year of data (e.g. 1975)
1-3 iem Ending month of data
1-4 iey Ending year of data
1-5 cunit Units of data
(' ACFT' or 'CFS')
1-6 cyr Year type
'CYR' = calendar year (1-12)
'WYR' = water year (10-9)
'IYR' = irrigation year (11-12)
Time Series Data
2 Format (i4, i4, 1x, a12, 31f8.2, f8.0)
2-1 iy Year
2-2 im Month
2-2 cresidx Daily station ID
2-3 targex2(1-31) Consumptive Water Requirement(cfs) or pattern for days 1-31

Repeat for the number of stations numdiv

Repeat for each year of the simulation