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Reach Data File (*.rch)

The Reach Data file is used to summarize diversion comparison, well comparison, and Consumptive Use reports by reach when the Report option (-report) is specified. To eliminate the need to build a Reach Data file, a preliminary one (*.xrh) is generated by the check option (-check) for every diversion and well in the system. This preliminary Reach Data file contains two main components: Reach Data and Node Data. The following are noted:

  • Reach data is used to define how one stream reach is connected to another.
  • Node data is used to assigned a stream (river) node to a stream reach.
  • The default name for the preliminary file created by the check option is *.xrh. This preliminary file is commonly revised in an editor to reassign the Reach Data connectivity. In addition sub reaches may be defined to represent structures not bounded by a stream gage. After editing the Reach Data file is typically renamed to *.rch to avoid it being overwritten every time a new check run is made.
  • If a river gage (*.rig) file is provided it is used by the Check option to define stream reaches. If one is not provided the Check optin uses data in the historic stream file (*.rih) to identify stream reaches. As described, this preliminary definition of steram reaches may be redefined by the user in an editor.
  • The file format is free. Therefore names like My Name should be entered as a single string with a hyphen (e.g. My_Name) or enclosed in double quotes (e.g. “My Name”).
Row-data Variable Description
1 ctype Free Format
1-1 ctype Reach_Data
2-1 RchIdR Reach ID
2-2 RchNameR Reach Name
2-3 RchTo Reach ID reach goes to
2-4 Rrec24 Reach Name reach goes to
2-5 StaID Stream ID reach goes to

Repeat row 2 for number of Stream Reaches.

Row-data Variable Description
1 ctype Free Format
1-1 ctype Node_Data
2-1 StaID River Station ID
2-2 RchNameX Reach Name
2-3 iRchX Associated Reach #
2-4 RchIDX Reach ID

Repeat row 2 for the number of Stream Nodes.