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Irrigation Parameter Yearly Data File - Annual (*.ipy)

The annual CU time series file contains information required to perform calculations using a variable efficiency approach. It is only used when the control file (*.ctl) variable itsfile >= 1. It is formatted exactly the same as the annual time series file used by the consumptive use model (StateCU). The current standard is to provide four water supply irrigation method combinations (Surface Supply Flood Irrigation, Surface Supply Sprinkler Irrigation, Ground Supply Flood Irrigation and Ground Supply Sprinkler Irrigation). For a description of the old (*.ipy file) format, which StateMod still supports, see Section 9.0 - Discontinued but Supported File Formats.

Because multiple input file formats may be provided it is recommended the following string be provided near the top of the file before any data: # FileFormatVersion 2. If the format version indicator is not provided StateMod will try to read the file and try to determine the appropriate file type.

Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (i5,1x,i4,5x,i5,1x,i4,a5,a5)
1-1 ibm Beginning month of data (e.g. 1 = Jan)
1-2 iby Beginning year of data (e.g. 1975)
1-3 iem Ending month of data
1-4 iey Ending year of data
1-5 cunit Units of data ('NA')
1-6 cyr Year type
'CYR' = calendar year (1-12)
'WYR' = water year (10-9)
'IYR' = irrigation year (11-10)
Time Series Data
2 Format (i4,1x,a12,3f6.0,2f8.0,f12.0,f3.0,f8.0)
2-1 idly Year
2-2 ID Structure ID
2-3 ceff Conveyance efficiency (decimal)
2-4 feff Maximum flood efficiency (decimal)
2-5 seff Maximum sprinkler efficiency (decimal)
2-6 AcreSF Acres with a Surface Water Supply and Flood Irrigation
2-7 AreaSS Acres with a Surface Water Supply and Sprinkler Irrigation
2-6 AcreGF Acres with a Ground Water Supply and Flood Irrigation
2-7 AreaG Acres with a Ground Water Supply and Flood Irrigation
2-8 mprate Maximum pumping rate (af/mo)
2-9 gwmode Ground water use mode
1 = maximum supply mode
2 = mutual ditch supply mode
2-10 areax Total Irrigated acreage for year idly (ac)