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TSTool / Command / Plugin


TSTool allows plugin commands, as of version ? This is an experimental feature to allow commands integration for third-party commands, such commands to read and write datastores, and perform specific processing that is outside the core State of Colorado TSTool product. Plugin commands are also useful for experimental command that can be developed using an installed TSTool and development environment only for the plugin.

Issues being evaluated:

  1. How to isolate plugin runtime software, configuration, and documentation from main code, while also streamlining integration?
  2. How to handle different versions of plugins and manage through the TSTool user interface?
  3. How to have standard download site for plugins?

More information will be added to this section in the future.

Need to figure out how plugin datastore documentation will be made accesible when not part of the core MkDocs documentation.

Command Editor

Need to include instructions for how to handle this documentation section for plugins.

Command Syntax

Need to include instructions for how to handle this documentation section for plugins.


Need to include instructions for how to handle this documentation section for plugins.


Need to include instructions for how to handle this documentation section for plugins.

See Also

Need to include instructions for how to handle this documentation section for plugins.