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TSTool / Object Processing

This documentation provides information about general object processing.


TSTool can be used to automate processing "objects". Currently objects are associated with JSON files, which can represent complex hierarchical data. Example use cases include:

  • reading GeoJSON files and adding properties with values from time series analysis
  • editing JSON files, for example to update a date corresponding to dataset publication
  • reading a data table from a JSON file

JSON files are used as input to and are created by workflows. Files can be maintained using version control repositories such as with GitHub.


Object processing commands are found in the Commands / Object Processing menu.

Use the NewObject command to create a new object by reading a JSON file.

Use the SetObjectPropertiesFromTable command to set or add object properties using matching table data.

TSTool User Interface

Use the Results / Objects tab for a list of objects created by processing commands. Right-click an object to view as indented JSON text.


See the Examples section of command documentation.