2.1 - Introduction

The StateCU GUI allows users to perform numerous tasks easily, including modifying data files, executing StateCU and visualizing data. The StateCU GUI refers to datasets described by a ‘response file’ listing simulation input files (see Section 4 for more information about response files). It is assumed that someone using the StateCU GUI is familiar with the StateCU model functionality. New input datasets can be created by (1) revising one of the base datasets provided with the StateCU GUI, (2) rerunning the StateCU Data Management Interfaces (see Section 8 - Supporting Utilities), (3) building StateCU ASCII input files (see Section 4 - Input Description) or (4) using the StateCU HydroBase Wizard to create a scenario for a single structure or climate station (see Section 2.4 - HydroBase Wizard).

The StateCU GUI was developed to allow the user to determine monthly crop consumptive use by the Modified or Original Blaney-Criddle methods and the Pochop Method for bluegrass, daily crop consumptive use by the ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith method, and calculate monthly water budgets by structure.

The GUI reads the currently selected StateCU datasets into memory at the time an input dataset is selected for viewing or editing. To the extent possible, the GUI displays are configured to match the organization of StateCU input data files. However, in some cases, related information from several files is displayed or accessed through a common window. The user can choose to overwrite existing files with edited data or save the revised data to new files. In general, input file formats limit the data to a specific number of maximum characters (generally 8 characters). When saving input files through the GUI, it will determine and save the maximum allowable decimal places within the character limitation. Whenever input files are saved, the user is prompted for a new response file name. If the changes are saved, the revised input data is re-read into memory, and the next model run uses the new data.

Although the GUI allows editing of input data, it performs minimal error checking of user-supplied data. It is important that the user understands the implications of editing data and realizes that changes in more than one display may be necessary for a working dataset. Incorrect or inconsistent input will result in an error when executing StateCU and are described in a log file. The log file is created in the dataset directory and can be viewed through the GUI. It is the responsibility of the user to read error messages and react accordingly. It is recommended that the user review the log file after every model run. The data that are shown in this chapter are not discussed in detail. For more information about the model, the data necessary to drive the model, and modeling guidelines, see Sections 3 through 8.