4.5 - Climate Station Information File (*.cli)

The Climate Station Information File provides climate station location information. The climate station information file is required for all crop consumptive use model runs. When a monthly consumptive use analysis is chosen (flag1= 1 in the Model Control File, see Section 4.4), there must be a one-to-one correspondence between climate stations listed in the climate station data file (*.cli) and climate station data included in the monthly temperature file (*.tem), the monthly precipitation file (*.prc), and the frost date file (*.fd). When a daily consumptive use analysis is chosen (flag1= 3, 4, or 5 in the Model Control File, see Section 4.4), there must be a one-to-one correspondence between the climate stations listed in the climate station data file (*.cli) and the climate station data included in the frost date (*.fd), daily maximum temperature (*.tmx), daily minimum temperature (*.tmn), daily precipitation (*.pdy), daily solar radiation (*.sol), daily vapor pressure (*.vap), and daily wind speed (*.wnd) files. Instrument heights for temperature and wind measurements are only used in a daily consumptive use analysis. If height information is missing from the *.cli file, StateCU will use 4.92 feet (1.5 meters) and 6.56 feet (2.0 meters), which represent the standard instrument height for Colorado Agricultural Meteorological Network (CoAgMet) stations. An example file is provided in Appendix A.

Row-Data Program Variable Description
Row 1 Format (a12, f6.2, f9.2, 2x, a20, a8, 2x, a24)
1-1 wsid(1) Climate Station ID
1-2 wlat(1) Station latitude
1-3 welev(1) Station elevation
1-4 Location1 (County or other location information, not used in program)
1-5 Location2 (HUC or other location information, not used in program)
1-6 Station name (not used in program)
1-7 zh(1) Height of humidity and temperature measurements (feet, daily analysis only)
1-8 zm(1) Height of wind speed measurement (feet, daily analysis only)

Repeat for the number of climate stations.