5.14 - StateCU Binary Output File (*.bd1)

The StateCU Binary Output file is created every time a StateCU scenario is executed and includes information, by structure, depending on the level of analysis executed as defined in the model control file (*.ccu). For example, if a potential consumptive use analysis is executed, the binary output file will include input parameters as well as potential consumptive use, effective precipitation, and irrigation water requirement. If a more extensive water supply limited analysis is executed, additional analysis output (e.g. water supply, soil storage, total crop consumptive use, etc) is also included in the binary output file. See Appendix A for a list of the parameters available in the binary file, and information on the model control options that are set to create each output parameter. If the user would like to sum the output parameters by Water District and Scenario in the binary file, the user must designate typout= 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15 in the model control file. Levels 11 through 15 currently can not be designated through the GUI but must be changed in the *.ccu through a Text Editor. Output from the binary file can be viewed through the GUI using the Time Series Data Tool, or through TSTool. To view the binary file in TSTool, open the TSTool application, select ‘StateCUB’ as the input type, and navigate to the *.bd1 file through the standard ‘Open File’ window. The available binary file parameters can then be accessed, modified and viewed through TSTool.