4.15 - Irrigation Parameter Yearly Data File (*.ipy)

The irrigation parameter yearly data file (*.ipy) contains general structure information required to run supply-limited consumptive use analyses, including conveyance efficiencies, maximum flood irrigation efficiencies, maximum sprinkler efficiencies, acreage flood irrigated only with surface water, acreage sprinkler irrigated only with surface water, acreage flood irrigated with surface and ground water, acreage sprinkler irrigated with surface and ground water, maximum monthly permitted pumping volume, ground water use mode, and total irrigated acreage. The conveyance efficiency accounts for losses between the river headgate and the farm headgate, including losses through canals, ditches and laterals. The maximum flood irrigation and sprinkler efficiencies account for application losses between the farm headgate or well and the crops. The ground water use mode determines how surface water and ground water will be used to satisfy irrigation water requirements, see Section 3.3. Note that data associated with ground water supply in the *.ipy file will only be considered in a structure scenario when the ground water supply option has been set in the model control file (isuply= 4). An example is provided in Appendix A.

Row-Data Program Variable Description
Row 1 Format (6x, i4, 11x, i4, 7x, a3)
1-1 gnyr1 Beginning year of irrigation parameter yearly data
1-2 gnyr2 Ending year of irrigation parameter yearly data
1-3 idum3 CYR for calendar year
Row 2 Format (i4, 1x, a12, 3(f6.2), 4(f8.0), f12.0, i4)
2-1 yr Year
2-2 aspid Structure ID
2-3 ceff Conveyance efficiency for delivering surface water supply (from *.ddh) to the farm headgate (read as decimal percent)
2-4 feff Maximum application efficiency for flood irrigation (read as decimal percent)
2-5 seff Maximum application efficiency for sprinkler irrigation (read as decimal percent)
2-6 AcSWFL Acres with only surface water supply, flood application
2-7 AcWSWpr Acres with only surface water supply, sprinkler application
2-8 AcGWFL Acres with only or supplemental ground water supply, flood application
2-9 AcGWSpr Acres with only or supplemental ground water supply, sprinkler application
2-10 mprate Maximum pumping volume (in acre-feet per month)
2-11 gmode Ground water use mode; 1=surface and ground water are used to maximize supply, 2=surface water is used first on all acreage and ground water second, 3=ground water is used first on sprinkler acreage and surface water shares for the same acreage are available for recharge.
2-12 Total acreage (not used by StateCU)

Repeat for number of structures.

Repeat for each year yr.