5.5 - Water Budget (for Simulation) Output File (*.swb)
The farm water budget (for scenario) output file (*.swb) is generated when the output file option
= 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, or 15
in the model control file (see Section 4.4).
The water budget simulation file contains additional information depending on the level of water
supply limited or depletion analysis. Therefore, it is described below based on the analysis option
) requested in the model control file.
5.5.1 Water Supply Limited Crop Consumptive Use by Structure (isuply = 1 and 4)
The following information is provided in the farm water budget (for simulation) output file when the water supply limited crop consumptive use by structure analysis option is selected. The output provides monthly information for the simulation period for all simulation structures combined, including:
- percent of simulation for which supply limited consumptive use is calculated,
- ‘Calculated’ or Prorated’ indicator,
- potential crop ET,
- effective precipitation,
- irrigation water requirement,
- historical diversions,
- diversion to consumptive use,
- diversion to the soil zone,
- non-consumed farm diversion,
- system diversion efficiency,
- end-of-month soil moisture content,
- crop consumptive use from diversion,
- crop consumptive from soil moisture, and
- total crop consumptive use.
If ground water is considered in the simulation (isuply
= 4
), additional information provided in the
farm water budget includes:
- ditch conveyance efficiency,
- surface water application efficiency,
- ground water pumping estimates,
- crop consumptive use from ground water, and
- ground water application efficiencies.
If ground water is considered in the simulation (isuply
= 4
), additional information regarding pumping,
shortages, and consumptive use for specified crops can be requested by setting the variable iflood
to the
number of crops of interest in the control file (*.ccu). This information was used to help identify potential
subirrigated lands for the RGDSS ground water modeling effort. Additional information provided in the farm
water budget includes:
- ground water applied via sprinklers,
- ground water applied via flood irrigation methods,
- total shortage
- irrigation water requirement for each crop specified
In addition, average yearly and average monthly values are also provided for the simulation over the simulation period. An example is provided in Appendix A. Also see Appendix A for a list of the parameters available in this output file, and information on the model control options that are set to create each output parameter.
5.5.2 Water Supply Limited Crop Consumptive Use by Structure and Priority (isuply = 2)
The following information is provided in the farm water budget (by simulation) output file when the water supply limited crop consumptive use by structure and priority analysis option is selected. The output provides monthly information for the simulation period for all simulation structures as discussed in Section 5.5.1. In addition, the following information is provided for senior, junior, other priorities, and their combined total:
- diversion to consumptive use,
- diversion to the soil zone,
- non-consumed farm diversion,
- end-of-month soil moisture content,
- crop consumptive use from diversion,
- total crop consumptive use, and
- replacement requirement based on calculated replacement of consumptive use associated with junior priorities.