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StateDMI / Command / ReadWellStationsFromStateMod


The ReadWellStationsFromStateMod command (for StateCU and StateMod) reads a list of well stations from a StateMod well stations file and defines well stations in memory. The well stations can then be manipulated and output with other commands. The StateMod well stations file contains stations for which only groundwater supply is available and stations for which groundwater supply supplements surface water supply of a diversion station (in this case the well station data includes the diversion station identifier). For some data (e.g., demands), StateMod accepts data from multiple files. For example, diversion and diversion+well stations may read total demands from the diversion demands file and well (groundwater only) stations may read demands from the well demands file. Parameters are available in this command to read all well stations or only a subset, to allow flexibility in data processing. Other commands may also process a subset, regardless of what is read.

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

ReadWellStationsFromStateMod command editor

ReadWellStationsFromStateMod Command Editor (see also the full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter             Description Default          
The name of the StateMod well stations file to be read. None – must be specified.
IgnoreDWs Indicate whether the D&W well nodes should be ignored. These are locations where well supply supplements surface water (diversion) supply. False
IgnoreWells Indicate whether the well nodes should be ignored. These are locations where only well supply is used. False


See the automated tests.


See the main troubleshooting documentation

See Also