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StateDMI / Command / WriteIrrigationPracticeTSToStateCU


The WriteIrrigationPracticeTSToStateCU command (for StateCU) writes irrigation practice time series to a StateCU crop pattern file.

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

WriteIrrigationPracticeTSToStateCU command editor

WriteIrrigationPracticeTSToStateCU Command Editor (see also the full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter                     Description Default                
The name of the output file to write, surrounded by double quotes. None – must be specified.
OutputStart Starting year for output. Write all years.
OutputEnd Ending year for output. Write all years.
PrecisionForArea The number of digits after the decimal point for area values. 1
Version Indicate the StateCU version, to control the file format. It is sometimes necessary to write an older version to compare data sets or update an old data set. Write the most current format.
OneLocationPerFile Useful for troubleshooting and verification. If True, then each location is written to a separate file. False
CheckData Check the data for integrity (do values add up). Set to False if processing preliminary data. True
WriteHow OverwriteFile if the file should be overwritten or UpdateFile if the file should be updated, resulting in the previous header being carried forward. OverwriteFile


See the automated tests.


See the main troubleshooting documentation

See Also