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StateDMI / Command / SetWellSystemFromList


The SetWellSystemFromList command (for StateCU and StateMod) sets well system part identifier data for:

  • a CU Location that corresponds to a location with well supply
  • or a StateMod well station

Well systems are specified using a list of part identifiers as follows:

  • Part type is Ditch
    • The collection includes wells that are associated with a list of ditches, identified using ditch water district identifiers (WDIDs). The list of ditches is used for the full period.
  • Part type is Parcel
    • The collection includes wells that are associated with a list of parcels. The division and year must be specified in the command because well to parcel relationships are determined for specific years.
    • This approach was used in the past for all basins but is being phased out and is currently only used for Rio Grande. It may also be phased out for the Rio Grande
  • Part type is Well
    • The collection includes wells identified by well WDID or well permit receipt.
    • The PartIdTypeColumn parameter must be specified to indicate the part ID type.
    • This approach is being phased in and is preferred.

To facilitate processing, the list of parts is specified in a delimited list file. Systems by convention have their water rights fully represented in output. To aggregate water rights at a location, use an aggregate (see the similar SetWellAggregateFromList and SetWellAggregate commands). See also the StateDMI Introduction chapter, which provides additional information about systems and other modeling conventions. System information should be specified after well locations are defined and before their use in other processing, such as reading data from HydroBase.

Well parcel data are queried in bulk when first requested and are cached to speed later processing. One level of caching is water district, which is available for all wells. The water district can be determined from a WDID but well receipts require querying to match the receipt and then use the matching WD. This step is performed when a system is defined so that later data access can use the WD.

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

SetWellSystemFromList command editor

SetWellSystemFromList Command Editor (see also the full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter                   Description Default          
ListFile The name of the input file to read, surrounded by double quotes. None – must be specified.
TableID The table identifier for table read from the list file, useful to confirm input.
PartType Indicate the type of features being aggregated and specified by PartIDs, one of:
  • Ditch – the PartIDs (ditch WDIDs) indicate ditch service areas supplemented by wells.
  • Parcel – the PartIDs (parcel numbers from GIS processing) indicate parcels irrigated by wells, with no surface water supply.
  • Well – the PartIDs indicate wells (WDIDs and permit receipt), with no surface water supply.
None – must be specified.
Year The year defining the parcels. Required when PartType is Parcel because parcel identifiers from well matching are specific to the data year.
Div Water division for the parcels in the system. Required when PartType is Parcel because parcels require the division.
IDCol The column number (1+) or name containing the well system identifiers. None – must be specified.
NameCol The column number (1+) or name containing the well system name. None – optional (name will remain as before).
PartIDsCol The column number (1+) or name for the first column having part identifiers. None – must be specified.
PartIdTypeColumn The column number (1+) or name or name for the column having part ID type. Recognized values in the column cells are WDID to indicate water district identifier and Receipt indicating a well permit receipt. Values are not case-sensitive. Required when specifying system using Well part type.
PartsListedHow If InRow, it is expected that all parts defining a system are listed in the same row. If InColumn, it is expected that the parts defining a system are listed one per row, with multiple rows defining the full system (PartIDsColMax is ignored in this case). None – must be specified.
PartIDsColMax The column number (1+) or name for the last column having part identifiers. Use if extra columns on the right need to be excluded from the list. Use all available non-blank columns starting with PartIDsCol.
IfNotFound Used for error handling, one of the following:
  • Fail – generate a failure message if the aggregate identifier is not matched
  • Ignore – ignore (don’t add and don’t generate a message) if the aggregate identifier is not matched
  • Warn – generate a warning message if the aggregate identifier is not matched


See the automated tests.

The following example illustrates a list file is used with PartType=Parcel and PartsListedHow=InColumn:


The following example illustrates a list file is used with PartType=Ditch and PartsListedHow=InColumn, with the name being provided in column 2:

# System_ID/Agg_Name/WDID
01_ADP037,South Platte River below Kersey Co North 2,0100643
01_ADP037,South Platte River below Kersey Co North 2,0100644
01_ADP037,South Platte River below Kersey Co North 2,0100835
01_ADP037,South Platte River below Kersey Co North 2,0104486

The following example illustrates a list file is used with PartType=Ditch and PartsListedHow=InColumn, with the name being provided in column 2, and column names specified as quoted strings so that column names (rather than numbers) can be specified for parameters.

01_ADP037,South Platte River below Kersey Co North 2,0100643
01_ADP037,South Platte River below Kersey Co North 2,0100644
01_ADP037,South Platte River below Kersey Co North 2,0100835
01_ADP037,South Platte River below Kersey Co North 2,0104486

The following example illustrates a list file for PartType=Well and PartsListedHow=InColumn, with the part ID type specified in column 2, and part ID type in column 3:

# List file created by intersecting the well coverages (that are included in the CDSS
# irrigated acreage GDB) with the GW Aggregate Coverage,
# removing duplicates, and limiting the list to only wells tied to a GW only irrigated
# parcel in any of the acreage snapshots.
# Files/versions used include:
#  HydroBase_CO_20160407
#  SPDSS GIS Coverages 3/30/2016
#  Aggregate_03_2008.shp


See the main troubleshooting documentation

See Also