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StateDMI / Command / SetCULocation


The SetCULocation command (for StateCU) sets data in existing CU Locations or adds a new CU Location.

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

SetCULocation command editor

SetCULocation Command Editor (see also the full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter             Description Default          
A single CU Location identifier to match or a pattern using wildcards (e.g., 20*). None – must be specified.
Latitude The latitude to be assigned for all matching CU Locations. If not specified, the original value will remain.
Elevation The elevation to be assigned for all matching CU Locations. If not specified, the original value will remain.
Region1 The Region1 to be assigned for all matching CU Locations. If not specified, the original value will remain.
Region2 The Region2 to be assigned for all matching CU Locations. If not specified, the original value will remain.
Name The name to be assigned for all matching CU Locations. If not specified, the original value will remain.
AWC The available water content (AWC) to be assigned for all matching CU Locations. If not specified, the original value will remain.
IfNotFound Used for error handling, one of the following:
  • Fail – generate a failure message if the ID pattern is not matched
  • Ignore – ignore (don’t generate a message) if the ID pattern is not matched
  • Warn – generate a warning message if the ID pattern is not matched


See the automated tests.


See the main troubleshooting documentation

See Also