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StateDMI / Command / SetWellStationsFromList


The SetWellStationsFromList command (for StateMod) sets data in existing well stations (it currently will not add a station – use ReadWellStationsFromList).

Command Editor

The following dialog is used to edit the command and illustrates the command syntax.

SetWellStationsFromList command editor

SetWellStationsFromList Command Editor (see also the full-size image)

Command Syntax

The command syntax is as follows:


Command Parameters

Parameter                     Description Default                    
The name of the delimited input file to read. Strings that include delimiter characters can be surrounded by double quotes in the list file. Lines starting with # are treated as comments. None – must be specified.
IDCol The column number (1+) containing the well station identifiers. If not specified, the original value will remain.
NameCol The column number (1+) containing the well station names. If not specified, the original value will remain.
RiverNodeIDCol The column number (1+) containing the river node identifiers. If not specified, the original value will remain.
OnOffCol The column number (1+) containing the on/off switch. If not specified, the original value will remain.
CapacityCol The column number (1+) containing the capacity. If not specified, the original value will remain.
AdminNumShiftCol The column number (1+) containing the administration number shift value. If not specified, the original value will remain.
DiversionIDCol The column number (1+) containing the associated diversion identifier. If not specified, the original value will remain.
DailyIDCol The column number (1+) containing the daily identifier. If not specified, the original value will remain.
DemandTypeCol The column number (1+) containing the demand type. If not specified, the original value will remain.
IrrigatedAcresCol The column number (1+) containing the irrigated acres. If not specified, the original value will remain.
UseTypeCol The column number (1+) containing the use type. If not specified, the original value will remain.
DemandSourceCol The column number (1+) containing the demand source. If not specified, the original value will remain.
EffAnnualCol The column number (1+) containing the annual efficiency. If the annual efficiency is specified, each monthly efficiency will be set to the annual value. If not specified, the original value will remain.
EffMonthlyCol The column number (1+) containing the monthly efficiency for January. The efficiencies for other months should be specified in columns that follow. The annual efficiency is set to the average of the monthly efficiencies. The efficiencies in the list file must be listed January to December as percent (0 to 100). The order of the values in the StateMod well stations will be according to the output year type set by SetOutputYearType, or calendar by default. If not specified, the original values will remain.
Delim The character(s) that delimits columns, or one of the literal words:
  • Space
  • Tab
  • Whitespace – spaces and tabs.
, (comma)
MergeDelim If True, then treat consecutive delimiter characters as one delimiter. If False, separate columns will result. False
IfNotFound Used for error handling, one of the following:
  • Fail – generate a failure message if the ID is not matched
  • Ignore – ignore (don’t add and don’t generate a message) if the ID is not matched
  • Warn – generate a warning message if the ID is not matched


See the automated tests.

The following example illustrates how to create well stations from a list file and then set the efficiencies (in this case from a StateCU output file) from another list. The full data line is trimmed of whitespace before processing and data in columns are automatically trimmed of whitespace after parsing.



See the main troubleshooting documentation

See Also