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Reservoir Station File (*.res)

The reservoir station file contains information to describe the physical properties of each reservoir in the system. Reservoirs may be operated such that they will not (iressw = 1 or 2) or will (iressw = 3) divert above their target. When a reservoir stores above its target and subsequently releases that water as part of an operating rule, the net result is a paper fill which is charged against the reservoir right’s one fill limitation and additional water becomes available downstream of the reservoir. This file is read by subroutine GETRES.

Row-data Variable Description
Station Data
1 Format (a12, a24, a12, i8,f8.0, 1x, a12)
1-1 cresid(1) Reservoirstation ID
1-2 resnam(i,1) Reservoir name
1-3 cgoto River node where reservoir is located
1-4 iressw(1) Switch for reservoir;
0 = off,
1 = on, Do not adjust for dead storage. Do not store above reservoir targets
2 = on, Do not store above reservoir targets. Adjust maximum ownership and initial storage of the last account by the dead storage volume
3 = on, Do not adjust for dead storage. Do not store above reservoir target. Charge ability to store above a reservoir target to the decree (e.g. paper fill)
1-5 rdate(1) Date for one fill rule administration
+n = month for reoperation at the beginning of the month (e.g. 1 = January 1, 2 = February 1, etc.)
-1 = do not administer the one fill rule.
1-6 cresidy(1) Daily reservoir ID (not used for monthly model). See Section 7.17 for a detailed discussion
Enter station ID (cresid) if daily data will be provided for this station. Monthly data controls.
Enter another station ID to use the daily distribution of another but weight values by the monthly total in the reservoir target (*.tar) file or reservoir end-of-month (*.eom) file. Monthly data controls.
Enter 0 to use the average daily value from the monthly data in the reservoir target (*.tar) file or reservoir end-of-month (*.eom) file. Monthly data controls.
Enter 3 to use the daily value from the daily reservoir target (*.tad) file or reservoir end-of-day (*.eod) file. Daily data controls.
Enter 4 use a daily pattern developed by connecting the midpoints of monthly data. Monthly data controls.
Enter 5 to use a daily pattern developed by connecting the end points of monthly data.
Physical Data
Row 2 Format (24x, 4f8.0, 4i8)
2-1 volmin(1) Minimum reservoir content (AF)
2-2 volmax(1) Maximum reservoir content (AF)
2-3 flomax(1) Maximum flow downstream of the reservoir (e.g. current stream flow plus the reservoir release (cfs)
2-4 deadst(1) Dead storage in reservoir (AF)
2-5 nowner(1) Number of owners
2-6 nevapo(1) Number of evaporation stations for this reservoir
2-7 nprecp(1) Number of precipitation stations for this reservoir
2-8 nrange(1) Number of area capacity values
Owner Data
Row 3 Format (12x, a12, 3f8.0, i8)
3-1 ownnam(1) Owner name
3-2 ownmax(1) Maximum storage of owner 1
3-3 curown(1) Initial storage of owner 1
3-4 pcteva(1) Switch for evaporation distribution
0 = Prorate reservoir evaporation between all accounts proportionally based on their current storage volume n. Apply n (%) to this account
-1 = No evaporation to this account
3-5 n2own(1) Ownership date used for one fill calculations
1 = Ownership is tied to a first fill right(s),
2 = Ownership is tied to a second fill right(s)
Repeat for the number of owners (nowner)
Evaporation Data
Row 4 Format (24x,f8.2)
4-1 cevar(1) Evaporation station ID for this reservoir
4-2 weigev(1) Percent of this station to use
Repeat for the number of evap stations (nevapo)
Precipitation Data
Row 5 Format (24x,,f8.2)
5-1 cprer(1) Precipitation station ID
5-2 weigpr(1) Percent of this station to use
Repeat for the number of precipitation stations (nprecp)
Area Capacity Data
Row 6 Format (24x,3f8.0)
6-1 conten(i,1) Content in area capacity table for point 1 (AF)
6-2 surarea(i,1) Area associated with the content for point 1 (ac)
6-3 seepage(irg,1) Seepage associated with the content for point 1 (AF per month)

Repeat above for nrange(1) values

Repeat rows 1-8 for the number of reservoirs