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Monthly Binary Direct Diversion File (*.b43)

StateMod prints a monthly direct access binary diversion binary file (*.b43) that describes water use at each river node. The record length is 160 bytes. A typical read statement is as follows:

Read(43,rec=irecs) (dat(i), i=1,ndiv)


\(Irecs\) = the binary record to read

\(iy\) = the year of interest

\(iystr0\) = the starting year

\(im\) = the month of interest

\(numsta\) = the total number of stream nodes

\(is\) = the stream node of interest

\(numtop\) = the total number of header cards \((numsta+numdiv+numifr+numres+numrun+numdivw+5+3*maxparm+2)\)

\(dat(i)\) = the data read

\(ndiv\) = the number of diversion data elements (maxparm)

Row-data Variable Description
1-1 CodeName Program Name
1-2 ver Program version
1-3 Vdate Program version date
2-1 iystr0 Beginning year of simulation
2-2 iyend0 Ending year of simulation
3-1 numsta number of river nodes
3-2 numdiv number of diversions
3-3 numifr number of instream flows
3-4 numres number of reservoirs
3-5 numown number of reservoir owners (active and inactive)
3-6 nrsact number of active reservoirs
3-7 numrun number of base flows
3-8 numdivw number of well structures (D&W and Well only)
3-9 numdxw number of well only structures
3-10 maxparm number of parameters for a diversion, reservoir and well
3-11 ndivO number of data elements in the *.b43 output file
3-12 nres0 number of data elements in the *.b44 output file
3-13 nwelO number of data elements in the *.b45 output file
4-1 xmonam(1-14) Month corresponding to the year type. E.g. xmonam(1) = Jan for a calendar yr. xmonam(1) = 10 for a water year, etc.
5-1 mthday(1-12) Days per month (e.g. if xmonam(6) = June then mthday(6)=30 if xmonam(6) = March then mthday(6) = 31
6-1 j Counter
6-2 cstaid(j) Station ID
6-3 stanam(I,j), I=1,6) Station Name
Repeat for j=1, numsta (number of river nodes)
7-1 j Counter
7-2 cdivid(j) Diversion ID
7-3 divnam(I,j), I=1,6) Diversion Name
7-4 idvsta(i) River Node
Repeat for j=1, numdiv (number of diversions)
8-1 j Counter
8-2 cifrid(j) Instream flow ID
8-3 xfrnam(I,j), I=1,6) Instream flow Name
8-4 ifrsta(i) River Node
Repeat for j=1, numifr (number of instream flows)
9-1 j Counter
9-2 cresid(j) Reservoir ID
9-3 resnam(I,j), I=1,6) Reservoir Name
9-4 irssta(i) River Node
9-5 iressw(i) On (1) / Off(0) Code
9-6 nowner(i) # of owners
Repeat for j=1, numres+1 (number of reservoirs)
10-1 j Counter
10-2 crunid(j) Base Flow ID
10-3 runnam(I,j), I=1,6) Base Flow Name
10-4 irusta(i) River Node
Repeat for j=1, numrun (number of base flows)
11-1 j Counter
11-2 cdividw(j) Well ID
11-3 divnamw(I,j), I=1,6) Well Name
11-4 idvstw(i) River Node
Repeat for j=1, numdivw (number of wells)
12-1 j Counter
12-2 paramD(j) Diversion Parameter
Repeat for j=1, maxparm (number of parameters)
13-1 j Counter
13-2 paramR(j) Reservoir Parameter
Repeat for j=1, maxparm (number of parameters)
14-1 j Counter
14-2 paramW(j) Well Parameter
Repeat for j=1, maxparm (number of parameters)
15-1 unit(1-nx) Units for each data type in a file where nx is ndivO for .b43, ndivR for .b44, and ndivW for *.b42
16-1 dat(1) Total Demand (Total_Demand)
16-2 dat(2) CU Demand (CU_Demand)
16-3 dat(3) Priority Diversion (From_River_By_Priority)
16-4 dat(4) Storage Diversion (From_River_By_Storage)
16-5 dat(5) Exchange Diversion (From_River_By_Exchange)
16-6 dat(6) River Loss (From_River_Loss)
16-7 dat(7) From Well (From_River_By_Well)
16-8 dat(8) Carrier by Priority (From_Carrier_By_Priority)
16-9 dat(9) Carrier by Exchange (From_Carrier_By_Storage)
16-10 dat(10) Carried Water (Carried_Water)
16-11 dat(11) Carried Loss (Carried_Loss)
16-12 dat(12) From Soil (From_Soil)
16-13 dat(13) Total Supply (Total_Supply)
16-14 dat(14) Total Short (Total_Short)
16-15 dat(15) CU Short (CU_Short)
16-16 dat(16) CU (Consumptive_Use)
16-17 dat(17) To Soil (To_Soil)
16-18 dat(18) Total Return (Total_Return)
16-19 dat(19) Loss (Loss)
16-20 dat(20) Upstream Inflow (Upstream_Inflow)
16-21 dat(21) Reach Gain (Reach_Gain)
16-22 dat(22) Return Flow (Return_Flow)
16-23 dat(23) Well Depletion (Well_Depletion)
16-24 dat(24) To_From GWStor (To_From_GW_Storage)
16-25 dat(25) River Inflow (River_Inflow)
16-26 dat(26) River Divert (River_Divert)
16-27 dat(27) River by Well (River_By_Well)
16-28 dat(28) River Outflow (River_Outflow)
16-29 dat(29) Available Flow (Available_Flow)
16-30 dat(30) Diversion by an instream Flow (Divert_For_Instream_Flow)
16-31 dat(31) Diversion to Power (Divert_For_Power)
16-32 dat(32) Diversion from Carrier by Storage (Diversion_From_Carrier)
16-33 Placeholder that currently contains the same data as field 16-19 (loss)
16-34 dat(34) Released from plan. (This includes 1. Water diverted into then released from a plan and 2. Water released from a plan to a carrier that returns water to the river)
16-35 dat(35) Structure type see table below

Structure Type Codes

Code (na) Structure Type
< 0 Baseflow node1
< 10,001 Baseflow node only1
0 Well Only
1-5,000 Diversion
5,001 - 7,500 Instream Flow
7,501 - 10,000 Reservoir

1Note a code of 1 indicates a diversion, a code of -1 indicates a diversion with at baseflow, a code of –10001 indicates a baseflow node only.

Row-data Variable Description
16-36 dat(36) Number of structures at this node
16-37 dat(37) Calling river node (-1 means NA)
16-38 dat(38) Calling right amount (-1 means NA)
Repeat for every river node numsta
Repeat for every month of simulation