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Carrier Right to a Ditch or Reservoir (ityopr=11)

The type 11 operating rule provides a method to divert water to a reservoir or direct flow structure using another structure’s water rights. In addition, it can be used to constrain a diversion to the capacity of up to 10 intervening structures. The following are noted:

  • A diversion is implicitly constrained by the capacity of the destination structure (variable ciopde).
  • The source water right may operate as a standard direct flow right and/or as a carrier. When the variable iopsou(2,1) = 1 the right is used as a carrier only. When the variable iopsou(2,1) = 0 the right is used as both a direct flow right and a carrier right.
  • If the source is a diversion right, the administration number used for the operating rule is the priority of the diversion right, not the priority assigned to the operating rule.
  • If several operating rules use the same water right, diversions are not allowed to exceed the decreed capacity.
  • If the destination is a diversion, the demand is the destination structure's demand. Any return flows use the return flow pattern and locations assigned to the destination structure in the diversion station file (*.dds).
  • If the destination is a reservoir, the operating rule demand is the destination reservoir’s capacity.
  • If the destination is a reservoir and the source is a diversion right, the operating rule diversion IS NOT CHARGED against the reservoir’s decree.
  • If the destination is a reservoir and the source is a reservoir right, the operating rule diversion IS CHARGED against the reservoir’s decree.
  • If carrier losses are to be included use a type 45 operating rule.
Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (a12, a24, 12x, 4x, f12.5, f8.0, i8, 3(1x,a12,i8), i8, 1x,a12, 1x,a12,1x, 2f8.0, 2i8)
1-1 cidvri Operational right ID
1-2 nameo(1) Operational right name
1-3 rtem(1) Administration number. Note if ciopso(1) is a diversion right, its administration number is used and rtem is ignored
1-4 dumx Monthly and Structure Switch
+n Number of intervening structures (max = 10)
-n Include -12 for monthly on/off values minus n intervening structures. Note, when a negative value is provided, it should be -13 or less).
1-5 ioprsw(1) Annual On/Off Switch
0 = off
1 = on
+n = Begin in year n
-n = Stop after year n
Destination Data
1-6 ciopde Destination diversion or reservoir ID
1-7 iopdes(2,1) Destination structure account,
1 for a diversion destination
+n for a reservoir destination,
+n Account served by this right
-n Fill the first n accounts using the ratio of their ownership
Source Data
1-8 ciopso(1) Water right ID under which the diversion occurs. Note may be a diversion right or a reservoir right
1-9 iopsou(2,1) 0 = The source water right (ciopso(1)) is left on (i.e. it can be used as a both a direct flow right and this operating rule).
1 = The source water right (ciopso2(1)) is turned off (i.e. it can only be used by this operating rule)
1-10 ciopso(2) NA = the water right is administered at the location specified in the appropriate water right file
+n = the water right is administered at location n (e.g. a reservoir right is administered at a the location of a carrier)
1-11 iopsou(4,1) 0 = Not used
Type Data
1-12 ityopr(1) 11
Plan Data
1-13 creuse NA If the carrier loss is not associated with a recharge source +n
Enter Recharge Plan ID If the carrier loss is a recharge source. Note the Plan type must be recharge (type 8)
Diversion Type
1-14 cdivtyp NA
Conveyance Loss (%)
1-15 OprLoss 0
Miscellaneous Limits
1-16 OprLimit 0 = No carrier limitation
+n = Carrier limit (cfs) Note this value is an additional constraint that is imposed on a carrier since the capacity of the diverting structure and all carriers is an implicit constraint. This value is typically used to represent the maximum diversion rate allowed to fill a reservoir.
Start Date
1-17 IoBeg First year of operation
End Date
1-18 IoEnd Last year of operation
Monthly Data
2 Free Format (Include only if the variable (dumx) = 12 or less than -12)
2-1 imonsw(1) Monthly switch 0 = off, 1 = on
+n = Day first used that month
-n = Day last used that month
Note the first entry corresponds to the first month specified in the control file
Intervening Structure Data
3 Format (36x, 10a12) (Include only if the variable (dumx) = 1-10 or < -12 1-10 or < -12 )
3-1 intern(1,1) For +dumx, Enter dumx intervening structure ID's
For -dumx, Enter abs(dumx) - 12 intervening structure ID's