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Implementing Daily Model Capabilities in a Monthly Model

This section provides information as to the specific flags and files required to add daily capability to a monthly model. As daily natural flow generation is not required nor recommended, the approach to implement daily model capabilities in a monthly model without generating daily natural flows is provided below. This section does not provide information on the development of the daily files due to the wide variety of information and/or scenarios that could be modeled. It is recommended users refer to a previously developed daily model for specific information and format of the input files.

  • In the response (*.rsp) file using a text editor, add the file names for the appropriate daily files that are required for the specific scenario (i.e. exclude well and/or reservoirs if the scenario does not include them).
Stream_Base_Daily                   =   Stream Base Daily *.rid  
Diversion_Demand_Daily              =   Direct Flow Demand Daily *.ddd  
Instreamflow_Demand_Daily           =   Instream Flow Demand Daily *.ifd  
Well_Demand_Daily                   =   Well Demand Daily *.wed  
Reservoir_Target_Daily              =   Reservoir Target Daily *.tad  
DelayTable_Daily                    =   Delay Table Daily *.dld  
ConsumptiveWaterRequirement_Daily   =   ConsumptiveWaterReq. Daily *.iwd  
StreamGage_Historic_Daily           =   StreamGage Historic Daily *.riy  
Diversion_Historic_Daily            =   Diversion Historic Daily *.ddy  
Well_Historic_Daily                 =   Well Historic Daily *.wey  
Reservoir_Historic_Daily            =   Reservoir Historic Daily *.eoy  
  • In the control (*.ctl) file using a text editor, set the daily flag (iday) to either 1 for a daily analysis or 2 for a daily analysis where the daily demand is a monthly total that is decreased by the amount diverted each day (i.e. “daily decrement approach”).
  • Using the StateDMI commands, set the Daily Station IDs in each of the files listed below to indicate the desired method to use or estimate daily data.
    • River station (*.ris) file = Daily Stream Station ID (crunidy) flag; note daily data for the station ID must be provided in the daily streamflow file (*.rid).
    • Diversion station (*.dds) file = Daily Diversion ID (cdividy) flag
    • Instream station (*.ifs) file = Daily Instream Station ID (cifridy) flag
    • Well station (*.wes) file = Daily Well Station ID (cdividyw) flag
    • Reservoir station (*.res) file = Daily Reservoir Station ID (cresidy) flag
  • Using TSTool commands, create the daily input files as appropriate for the scenario:
    • Daily streamflow (*.rid) file
    • Direct diversion demand (*.ddd) file.
    • Daily instream demand (*.ifd) file.
    • Daily well demand (*.wed) file if wells are simulated.
    • Daily reservoir target (*.tad) file.
    • Daily return file (*.dld) file.
    • Daily Consumptive Requirement (*.ddx) file if variable efficiency is simulated.

Modeling Tip: * Daily modeling options are complex and all functionality has not been thoroughly tested or vetted; it is up to the user to verify these operations are simulating as desired.