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General Replacement Reservoir to a Diversion by a Direct Release or Exchange (ityopr=10)

The type 10 operating rule provides a method to supply reservoir water to a large number of structures without supplying individual operating rules for each. The following are noted:

  • The operating rule checks whether reservoir replacement water will be supplied to a diversion by a direct reservoir release or exchange.
  • The operating rule serves all water rights which are senior to its Administration number which have variable ireptyp of the Direct Diversion Station File (*.dds) set to 1 or -1.
  • The variable ireptyp specified by structure in the diversion station (*.dds) file specifies if replacement releases are to be made for the full diversion (ireptyp = 1) or depletion (ireptyp = -1) or not at all (ireptyp = 0).
  • When more than one replacement reservoir is specified, they are sorted by Administration number and operate by priority, most senior first.
  • The replacement reservoir operating rule applies to direct flow structures only, therefore carrier systems must be tied to a replacement reservoir directly. The following are noted:
    • The replacement reservoir operating rule has generic applications but was originally developed to handle the replacement reservoir obligations of Green Mountain Reservoir in the Colorado River Basin.
    • When a replacement reservoir operating rule is included in a simulation and the release from a replacement reservoir is non-zero, additional information associated with the replacement reservoir operation is provided in the replacement reservoir summary (*.xrp).
Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (a12, a24, 12x, 4x, f12.5, f8.0, i8, 3(1x,a12,i8), i8, 1x,a12, 1x,a12,1x, 2f8.0, 2i8)
1-1 cidvri(1) Operational right ID
1-2 nameo(1) Operation right name
1-3 rtem(1) Administration number
1-4 dumx Monthly Switch
0 = No monthly on/off values
12 = Number of monthly on/off switches provided
1-5 ioprsw(1) Annual On/Off Switch
0 = off
1 = on
Destination Data
1-6 ciopde 0
1-7 iopdes(2,1) 0
Source Data
1-8 ciopso(1) Supply reservoir ID
1-9 iopsou(2,1) Supply reservoir account
1-10 ciopso(2) NA
1-11 iopsou(4,1) 0 (not used)
Type Data
1-12 ityopr(1) 10
Associated Plan Data
1-13 creuse NA
Diversion Type
1-14 cdivtyp NA
Conveyance Loss (%)
1-15 OprLoss 0
Miscellaneous Limits
1-16 OprLimit 0 = Do not adjust Monthly or Annual Operational limits
1 = Operating Rule ID specified in row 3 for which monthly and Annual limits will be INCREASED by the amount released
2 = Operating Rule ID specified in row 3 for which monthly and Annual limits will LIMIT the amount released
Start Date
1-17 IoBeg First year the operating rule is on
End Date
1-18 IoEnd Last year the operating rule is on
Monthly Data
2 Free Format (Include only if the variable (dumx) = 12 or less than -12
2-1 imonsw(1) Monthly switch 0 = off, 1 = on
+n = Day first used that month
-n = Day last used that month
Note the first entry corresponds to the first month specified in the control file
Monthly and Annual Limitation Data
3 Format (36x, 10a12) (Include only if the switch (OprLimit > 0))
3-1 cx If OprLimit = 1, Operating Rule ID for which monthly and Annual limits will be INCREASED by the Amount released.
If OprLimit = 2, Operating Rule ID for which monthly and Annual limits will LIMIT the Amount released