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Call (Control) Reporting

StateMod allocates water based on available supply, demand, water rights and capacity using the prior appropriation doctrine (first in time, first in right). Therefore it never has the need to “call out” a structure because a structure only diverts if it is in priority, supply is available and it has capacity. However StateMod does report a control location and control right that, in many but not all cases, occurs where a structure has historically set a call on the river. This information can be a useful for calibration. The approach used by StateMod to identify a controlling (call) location and right is as follows:

  • If a structure is shorted because of available supply, then the “control location” where a downstream water supply limit occurs is identified. If there is a structure (diversion, instream flow, and reservoir) at the “control location”, the “control structure” is identified.
  • If a “control structure” does not exist at the “control location” because of natural stream losses, etc. StateMod reports the control structure as “NA”.
  • If a “control structure” has been identified the “control right” is calculated based on the amount diverted at the “control structure” and the prior appropriation requirement that its senior decrees diverts water before its junior decrees. For example, if the control structure is diverting 100 cfs and it has two rights; one senior for 60 cfs and one junior for 200 cfs then the junior is the controlling right (because the senior is fully satisfied).
  • If a “control structure” does not exist, StateMod records the control right as –1 (for not applicable).
  • More than one “control structure” and “control right” can occur in a given time step.
  • As defined herein, the “control structure” may not necessarily be water short, it is simply the structure that limits an upstream structure from diverting its full water right.
  • If a structure benefits from new (non-native) water resulting from a reservoir release or non-downstream return flows then StateMod recalculates the “control location” and “control right” accordingly.
  • If the water supply limit (“control location”) occurs at the diverting structure itself, it is by definition not a “control location”. In such a case StateMod reports the “control location” as “Hgate_Limit” (head gate limit) and the call right as –1.
  • If there is no “control location” but a structure is shorted, StateMod reports the call structure as “Cap/Wr_Limit” (capacity or water right limit) and the “control right” as –1.
  • Control (call) reporting is currently operational for direct, instream and reservoir rights. Future enhancements may address a call associated with an operational rule.
  • The “control location” and “control right” are reported for every structure and time step in the structure summary file (*.xdd). In addition, unique controls (independent of who they are impacting) are reported to the call (control) output file (*.xca).
  • If the standard StateMod naming convention is followed and the identifier used at a stream node is the same identifier used for a structure then the “control location” reported in the diversion summary file (*.xdd) is the same as the “control structure”. If the standard naming convention is not followed then the call structure can be identified as the structure located at the control location.