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Carrier with Loss (ityopr=45)

The type 45 operating rule provides a method to divert water to a carrier with loss. The carrier then delivers water to a diversion or reservoir. The source may be a diversion water right or, if delivering to a reservoir, a diversion or reservoir water right. The type 45 rule can include transit losses on up to 10 intervening structures. Also it allows the user to specify a percent of the source right that is owned. This routine is similar to type 11 but includes more extensive treatment of transit losses and water right ownership. The following are noted:

  • A diversion is implicitly constrained by the capacity of the destination structure (variable ciopde).
  • The source water right may operate as a standard direct flow right and/or as a carrier. When the variable iopsou(2,1) = 0 the right is used as a carrier only. When the variable iopsou(2,1) = 1 the right is used as both a direct flow right and a carrier right.
  • If a source right is used by both a direct flow and operating rule total diversions by both the direct flow and operating rule are not allowed to exceed the decreed capacity.
  • If the destination is a diversion, the source should be a diversion water right.
  • If the destination is a diversion, the demand should be specified at the location where the destination is located (i.e. not the carrier location). Therefore any transit losses between the carrier headgate and the destination will be calculated by StateMod and implicitly included in the river headgate demand.
  • If the destination is a reservoir, the source should be a diversion water right or a reservoir water right.
  • If the destination is a reservoir, the demand is calculated at the location where the reservoir is located (i.e. not the carrier location). Therefore any transit losses between a river headgate and the destination will be calculated by StateMod and implicitly included in the river headgate demand.
  • If the destination is a reservoir and the source is a diversion right, the operating rule diversion IS NOT CHARGED against the reservoir’s decree.
  • If the destination is a reservoir and the source is a reservoir right, the operating rule diversion IS CHARGED against the reservoir’s decree.
  • Transit losses are reported with the carrier structure, not the destination.
  • When the destination is an off-channel reservoir and the source is its water right, the administration location (ciopso2) may be used to administer the reservoir right at a diversion location located on the mainstem. This diversion location is implicitly treated as a carrier.
  • When the miscellaneous limit (oprlimit) is set to a non zero value indicating a limit is provided the source constraint (ipsou(2,k) should be set to 1 to indicate the source water right is controlled by this operating rule. Without this constraint, water may be diverted under the source right, not this operating rule.
  • When the miscellaneous limit (oprlimit) is set to 2 the diversion is limited to both the destination demand (ciopde) and the demand of the reservoir structure listed in row 4. The demand of the reservoir structure listed in row 4 is obtained from the monthly target file (*.tam) or daily reservoir target file (*.tad). Note that when the demand (ciopde) is a reservoir the monthly target (along with the capacity, etc.) is implicitly used to limit the amount diverted to a reservoir. However since a reservoir's capacity may go up or down during a time step the volume diverted may exceed the target value. When data is assigned herein the target is also used as a volumetric limit that cannot be exceeded in a given time step. This option is, typically, only used when the destination is a Recharge Reservoir.
  • When the miscellaneous limit (oprlimit) is set to 3 the diversion is limited to both the destination demand (ciopde) and the demand of the diversion structure listed in row 4. The demand of the diversion structure listed in row 4 is obtained from the monthly diversion demand file (*.ddm) or daily diversion demand file (*.ddd).
  • When the miscellaneous limit (oprlimit) is set to 4 the diversion is limited to both the destination demand (ciopde) and the monthly and annual limits specified by the type 47 operating rule listed in row 4.
  • Results for a type 45, Carrier with Loss, are reported in the Stream Report (*.xdd) as follows:

    1. At the destination, the diversion is reported as From Carrier by Other,
    2. At the carrier structure, the diversion is reported as From River by Other, loss is reported as From River Loss, and Carried, Exchange or Bypassed is From River by Other less From River Loss. The Total Supply associated with the carrier is zero (diversion less loss less carried water equals zero)
Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (a12, a24, 12x, 4x, f12.5, f8.0, i8, 3(1x,a12,i8), i8, 1x,a12, 1x,a12,1x, 2f8.0, 2i8)
1-1 cidvri Operational right ID
1-2 nameo(1) Operational right name
1-3 rtem(1) Administration number. Note if ciopso(1) is a diversion right, its administration number is used and rtem is ignored
1-4 dumx Monthly and Structure Switch
+n = Number of intervening structures (max = 10)
-n = Include 12 monthly on/off values minus n intervening structures. Note, when a negative value is provided, it should be -13 or less
1-5 ioprsw(1) Annual On/Off Switch
0 = off
1 = on
+n = Begin in year n
-n = Stop after year n
Destination Data
1-6 ciopde Destination diversion or reservoir ID
1-7 iopdes(2,1) Destination structure account,
1 = a diversion destination
+n = a reservoir destination
+n = Account served by this right
-n = Fill the first n accounts using the ratio of their ownership
Source Data
1-8 ciopso(1) Water right ID under which the diversion occurs. Note may be a diversion right or a reservoir right
1-9 iopsou(2,1) 0 = The source water right (ciopso(1)) is left on (i.e. it can be used as a both a direct flow right and this operating rule)
1 = The source water right (ciopso(1) is turned off (i.e. it can only be used by this operating rule)
1-10 ciopso(2) NA = the water right is administered at the location specified in the appropriate water right file
+n = the water right is administered at location n (e.g. a reservoir right is administered at the carrier or the reservoir)
1-11 iopsou(4,1) +n = Percent of the water right ciopso(1) to be used as a source.
Type Data
1-12 ityopr(1) 45
Associated Plan Data
1-13 creuse NA = If the carrier loss is not associated with a recharge source
+n = Enter Recharge Plan ID if the carrier loss is a recharge source. Note the Plan type must be recharge (type 8).
Diversion Type
1-14 cdivtyp NA
Conveyance Loss (%)
1-15 OprLoss 0 No Transit loss
Miscellaneous Limits
1-16 OprLimit 0 The source water right is not shared with another operating rule.
1 Not currently operational.
2 In addition to the destination demand (ciopde) the diversion is limited to the reservoir demand of the structure listed in Row 4.
3 In addition to the destination demand (ciopde) the diversion is limited to the diversion demand of the structure listed in Row 4.
4 In addition to the destination demand (ciopde) the diversion is limited to the monthly and annual limits of the Type 47 operating rule listed in Row 4
Start Date
1-17 IoBeg First year of operation
End Date
1-18 IoEnd Last year of operation
Monthly Data
2 Free Format (Include only if monthly & structure switch (dumx) = 12 or less than -12)
2-1 imonsw(1) Monthly switch 0 = off, 1 = on
+n = Day first used that month
-n = Day last used that month
Note the first entry corresponds to the first month specified in the control file
Intervening Structure Data with loss
3 Free Format (Include only if the monthly & structure switch (dumx) = 1-10 or < -12. See Section 7.11.4 for the approach used to model an augmentation station (e.g. a structure that carries a diversion, typically with loss, then returns non-lost water to the river).)
3b-1 intern(1,1) Intervening structure ID (e.g. a Diversion ID or Stream ID)
3b-2 OprLossC(l,1) Carrier Loss for Structure ID %
3b-3 InternT(1,1) Intervening Structure Type
Enter Carrier if it is a diversion structure located on the river
Enter Return if it is a return location on the River
Repeat for +dumx values
Additional Demand constraint
4 Free Format (Include only if the switch (OprLimit) = 2 or 3)
4-1 cx If Oprlimit = 2 enter the diversion ID whos demand will limit the amount diverted.
If Oprlimit = 3 enter the recharge reservoir ID whose demand will limit the amount diverted.
If Oprlimit = 4 enter the Type 47 Operational right ID that contains monthly and annual diversion limits