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Plan or Reservoir Reuse to a T&C or Augmentation Plan Direct (ityopr=48)

The type 48 operating rule provides a method to release water from a reservoir, recharge site or Reuse Plan to a T&C or Well Augmentation Plan destination (demand) via a direct release to the river. The following comments are provided:

  • A “ReUse Plan” source is a special structure type that can be used to provide water supplies that might accrue from a water right transfer or reusable imported water. See Section 7.14 for more details.
  • A “Recharge Plan” source is a special structure type that can be used to provide water supplies that might accrue from a reservoir or canal seepage.
  • A “Special Augmentation” Plan source is a plan type that can be used to recognize a physical water supply is not required because of an administrative decision. Examples are wells located in a designated basin or decreed as non tributary.
  • A “T&C” Plan destination (demand) is a special structure type that can be used to store Terms and Conditions (demands) that might be imposed on a water use as part of a water transfer.
  • An “Augmentation” Plan destination (demand) is a plan type that can be used to store water demands imposed on a water use in order to allow a well to pump out of priority.
  • A “Special Augmentation” Plan destination (demand) is a plan that can be used to store water demands that can be offset by an administrative decision. Examples are wells located in a designated basin or decreed as non tributary.
  • If the variable OprLimit is set to 0 no adjustment to monthly or annual diversion limits will be performed. If the variable OprLimit is set to -1 the operating rule ID specified in row 4 will have its monthly and annual diversion limits adjusted by the amount released.
  • If the variable ceuse is set to a plan ID, any canal losses will be routed to that plan. Note the plan type must be 8 (recharge).
  • Results for a type 48, Reservoir to a Plan Direct, are reported in the Stream Report (*.xdd) as follows:
    • At the destination well plan, the diversion is reported as From River by Storage (exchange) and the Total Supply equals From River by Other. The station balance reports River Divert as zero because the diversion is to a plan which is non-consumptive.
    • At the source reservoir on only carrier and Station Balance data are reported. The River Divert equals the net amount diverted at the reservoir (diversion less release). If the reservoir does not store then the net amount diverted should be negative and equal to the amount released to the destination well plan less any losses.
Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (a12, a24, 12x, 4x, f12.5, f8.0, i8, 3(1x,a12,i8), i8, 1x,a12, 1x,a12, 1x,2f8.0, 2i8)
1-1 cidvri(1) Operational right ID
1-2 nameo(1) Operational right name
1-3 rtem(1) Administration number
1-4 dumx Monthly Switch
0 = No monthly on/off values
12 = Number of monthly on/off switches provided
1-5 ioprsw(1) Annual On/Off Switch
0 = off
1 = on
+n = Begin in year n
-n = Stop after year n
Destination Data
1-6 ciopde Plan ID (must be a T&C Plan (type 1) or a Well Augmentation Plan (type 2) or a Special Augmentation Plan (type 10)
1-7 iopdes(2,1) 0 (Not used)
Supply Data
1-8 ciopso(1) Reservoir ID or Recharge Plan ID or Reuse Plan ID or Special Augmentation Plan ID. If a plan it must be a Reservoir Recharge Plan (type 8) or CU reuse plan (type 3 or 4) or a Special Augmentation Plan (type 10)
1-9 iopsou(2,1) If ciopso(1) is a reservoir, enter the reservoir account. If ciopso(1) is not a reservoir enter 0
1-10 ciopso(2) If ciopso(1) is a Recharge Plan enter the associated Reservoir ID, otherwise enter NA
1-11 iopsou(4,1) 0
Type Data
1-12 ityopr(1) 48
Associated Plan Data
1-13 creuse NA Canal losses are routed to the river
Plan ID Canal losses are routed to Plan ID
Diversion Type
1-14 cdivtyp NA
Conveyance Loss (%)
1-15 OprLoss 0
Miscellaneous Limits
1-16 OprLimit 0
Start Date
1-17 IoBeg First year of operation
End Date
1-18 IoEnd Last year of operation
Monthly Data
2 Free Format (Include only if the variable (dumx) = 12 or less than -12)
2-1 imonsw(1) Monthly switch 0 = off, 1 = on
+n = Day first used that month
-n = Day last used that month
Note the first entry corresponds to the first month specified in the control file