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Plan Data File (*.pln)

The plan station file contains information related to operating a term and condition, well augmentation and reuse plan. It provides data related to the plan including its ID, name, location on the river system, etc. If return flow data is specified for a plan it is provided in the Plan Return File (*.prf). Section 7.8 provides additional discussion of a plan and their use.

Note that plan efficiency and plan return data can be provided for any plan type, however this information is only used by StateMod for T&C plans (Type 1), Well Augmentation plans (Type 2), and Reuse plans (Types 3 and 4).

  • The variable ipeff(1) allows the user to provide either a constant or 12 efficiency values to be used for individual months. If a constant value is provided, it is equal to the value provided with the source structure in the diversion station file (*.dds).
  • The variable iprf(1) allows the user to provide either a constant or 12 return flow values to be used for individual months. If a constant value is provided, it is equal to the value provided with the source structure in the diversion station file (*.dds).

Note this file uses a free format read (which is slowly being added to other parts of StateMod). Therefore Plan ID’s and Plan names should be provided with no spaces or in double quotes (e.g. instead of My Name enter “My Name” or My_Name). This file is read by subroutine GETPLN.

Row-data Variable Description
Station Data
1 Free Format
1-1 Pid(1) Plan ID (include _ instead of blanks)
1-2 Pname(1) Plan name (include _ instead of blanks)
1-3 iPsta(1) River node where the plan is located
1-4 Pon(1) On (1) or Off (0) switch
1-5 iPlnTyp(1) Plan type
1 = Terms and Conditions (T&C)
2 = Well Augmentation
3 = Reuse to a Reservoir
4 = Reuse to a Diversion
7 = Import Plan
8 = Recharge (reservoir or canal seepage
9 = Out-of-Priority Diversion or Storage
10 = Special Well Augmentation (e.g. Designated Basin, Coffin Wells, etc.)
11 = Accounting Plan
12 = Release Limit Plan
13 = Changed Water Right Plan
1-6 Peff(1) Plan efficiency
Enter 0 if not used
Enter 1 to read 12 plan efficiency values (%)
Enter 999 to use the source structure’s efficiency data
1-7 iPrf(1) Plan Return Type
Enter 0 if no plan return flows will be calculated
Enter 1 for a T&C Plan with return data in the plan return flow file (*.prf)
Enter 8 for a Recharge Plan with return data in the plan return flow file (*.prf)
Enter 999 to use the source structure’s return flow data
1-8 iPfail(1) Plan Failure Switch
Used only for a T&C Plan (iPlnTyp = 1)
Enter 0 to not turn plan off if it fails
Enter 1 to turn a plan off if it fails
1-9 Psto1(1) Initial plan storage value (acft)
Used only for Plan Types = 3, 9, & 12
1-10 Psource(1) If the plan type is 8 (recharge) enter ‘Reservoir’ if the source is reservoir seepage and enter ‘Diversion’ if the source is canal loss.
If the plan type is not 8 (not recharge) enter NA or any other comment
1-11 iPAcc(1) Source Account of the structure where plan water becomes available (Note this information is currently used only when the plan type is recharge (type 8) from a reservoir
Plan Efficiency Data
2 Free Format (Include only if the plan efficiency variable (Peff) = 1)
2-1 Peff(1,j), j=1,12 Plan efficiency for month 1-12
Note the first entry corresponds to the first month specified in the control file