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Control File (*.ctl)

The control file contains information which controls the model simulation. To allow old StateMod data sets to operate without editing, the data after the year type (row 18-1) is assumed to be zero if not provided. Comments, indicated by a # in column 1, may be provided at any location in this file. This file is read by subroutine DATINP.

Row-data Variable Description
Title Data
1 through 2 Format (a80)
1-1 headin(i,1) Title printed on output
2-1 headin(i,2) Title printed on output
Study Period Data
3 through 32 Format (i8 or f8.0)
3-1 iystr Starting year of the simulation
4-1 iyend Ending year of the simulation
General Control Switches
5-1 iresop Switch for output units;
1 = cfs for all,
2 = acft for all,
3 = kaf for all,
4 = cfs for daily and acft for monthly,
5 = cms for all
6-1 moneva Switch for Evaporation and precipitation data;
0 = monthly, 1 = average
7-1 iopflo Switch for Streamflow; 1 = total, 2 = gains
8-1 numpre Number of precipitation stations
9-1 numeva Number of evaporation stations
10-1 interv +n = Number of entries in each delay (return flow) pattern;
-1 = Variable number of entries per delay (return flow) pattern. return data is provided as a percent (e.g. 5.00);
-100 = Variable number of entries per delay (return flow) pattern. return data is provided as a decimal (e.g. 0.05).
Factor Data
11-1 factor Factor to convert from CFS to AF/DAY (1.9835)
12-1 rfacto Divisor for streamflow data units;
Enter 0 for data provided in CFS,
Enter 1.9835 for data provided in AF/Mo
13-1 dfacto Divisor for diversion data units;
Enter 0 for data provided in CFS,
Enter 1.9835 data provided in AF/Mo
14-1 ffacto Divisor for in-stream flow data units;
Enter 0 for data provided in CFS,
Enter 1.9835 for data provided in AF/Mo
15-1 cfacto Factor to convert reservoir content data to AF
16-1 efacto Factor to convert evaporation data to feet/mo
17-1 pfacto Factor to convert precip. data to feet/mo
18-1 cyr1 Year type Format (a5) (Right justified, all capital letters)
CYR = Calendar Year (Jan - Dec)
WYR = Water Year (Oct - Sep)
IYR = Irrigation Year (Nov - Oct)
Advanced Control Switches
19-1 icondem Switch for demand data type
See Section 7.4.7 for a discussion of the Demand options.
If simulating wells (iwell > 0 see below)
1 = Historical Demand Approach. Demands for structures with both SW and GW rights are provided in a separate file (e.g. *.ddm & *.wem) and are not added (i.e. SW shortages cannot be supplied by GW & visa versa)
2 = Historic Sum Demand Approach. Demands for structures with both SW & GW rights are provided separately (i.e. the *.ddm and *.wem files are added. Demands can be supplied by SW or GW)
3 = Structure Demand Approach. Demands for structures with both SW and GW rights are provided in one file, the direct diversion demand file (e.g. *.ddm). Demands for well only lands are provided in the well demand file (*.wem) Demands can be supplied by SW or GW).
4 = Supply Demand Approach. Same as 3 but the surface water may be diverted up to their demand even if a CIR does not exist. See Section 7.4.7 for a detailed discussion.
5 = Decreed Demand Approach. Same as 4 but the Decreed Demand Approach is used. See Section 7.4.7 for additional discussion.
20-1 ichk Switch for detailed output
0 = No detailed results
1 = Print river network
4 = Print detailed water right, operation and re-op data
5 = Print detailed demand data
6 = Print detailed daily data
7 = Print detailed return flow data
8 = Print detailed daily baseflow data to *.log file and daily baseflow results to the *.xtp file
9 = Print detailed reoperation data
10 = Echo operational right file read
11 = Print reservoir evaporation details
14 = Detailed water right data
20 = Override daily ID for testing
21 = Print top of binary file for *.xbn report
24 = Print detailed results of opr. rule 23 downstream call
25 = Limit daily baseflow output to the river ID specified in variable (ccall) (24-1)
30 = Do not print daily binary results
90 = Print detailed water use data from return
91 = Print detailed demand data from Bomsec and well water right data from Welrig
92 = Print detailed soil moisture data
94 = Print ichk = 4 plus call information
-n = Print allocation data at river node n
100+n = Echo operational right file read and provide detailed output for an operational right type n for the operational right ID provided for variable (ccall) (24-1). Note ichk = 131 provides details on an operational right type 31
201 = Provide detailed output for an instream right ID provided for (ccall) (24-1)
202 = Provide detailed output for a reservoir right ID provided for (ccall) (24-1)
203 = Provide detailed output for a diversion right ID provided for (ccall*) (24-1)
206 = Provide detailed output for a well right ID provided for (ccall) (24-1)
21-1 ireopx Switch for reoperation control. See Section 3 for a discussion of the Reoperation control.
0 = Reoperate for reservoir releases and returns to non downstream returns (default)
1 = Do not reoperate
-n = Reoperate when the sum of reservoir releases or downstream return flows exceed n in acft.
22-1 ireach Switch for instream flow reach approach. See Section 7 for a discussion of the Instream flow options.
0 = No instream reach approach (Phase II)
1 = Instream reach approach (Phase III)
2 = Same as 0 plus monthly instream demands may be provided in the monthly may be provided in the monthly instream demand file (*.ifm)
3 = Same as 1 plus monthly instream demands may be provided in the monthly instream demand file (*.ifm)
23-1 icall Switch for detailed call data. See Section 7 for a discussion of the detailed call data.
0 = No detailed call data
1 = Yes detailed call data
24-1 ccall Detailed call water right ID (e.g. Section 4.6 field 1-1 variable (cidvri). See Section 5 for a discussion of the detailed call data. Note this variable is not used if the control variable icall = 0.
25-1 iday Switch for daily calculations. See Section 7 for a discussion of the daily capability.
0 = Monthly analysis
1 = Daily analysis
2 = Daily analysis where the daily demand is a monthly total that is decreased by the amount diverted each day (i.e. "daily-decrementing" approach).
26-1 iwell Switch for well operations. See Section 7 for a discussion of the well options.
0 = No well analysis
-1 = No well analysis but the file names are included in the response file (*.rsp)
1 = Well analysis with no max recharge
2 = Well analysis with a constant maximum. Stream recharge assigned as variable gwmaxrc in the control file (*.ctl)
3 = Well analysis with a variable maximum. Stream recharge assigned as variable gwmaxrc in the river network file (*.rin)
27-1 gwmaxrc(1) Maximum recharge limit (cfs). See Section 7 for a description of the well options and this variable.
+n = Constant maximum recharge limit (cfs). Only used when variable iwell of the control file (*.ctl) is set to 2.
28-1 isjrip Switch for an annual San Juan Recovery Program (SJRIP). Sediment file is no longer used.
29-1 itsfile Switch for an annual irrigation practice file. See Section 7 for a discussion of variable efficiency and use of the annual CU time series data.
0 = No time series file provided
-1 = Time series file provided in the response (*.rsp) file but not used
1 = Use Annual GW area limit only
2 = Use Annual Well Capacity only
10 = Use all data provided in *.ipy file. This includes annual GW area, well capacity, area served by groundwater, area served by sprinklers, max flood efficiency, max sprinkler efficiency, and total area.
30-1 ieffmax Switch for annul consumptive water requirement (*.iwr or *.ddc) file. See Section 7 for a discussion of variable efficiency and use of the annual CU time series data.
0 = No IWR file provided
-1 = IWR (*.iwr) file provided in the response (*.rsp) file but not used
1 = IWR file provided and variable efficiency used (requires itsfile from above be > 0)
2 = IWR file provided and printed to output but variable efficiency is not used except to limit reservoir releases to days when an IWR exists when iday = 2
31-1 isprink Switch for sprinkler data (area and efficiency) use. See Section 7 for a description of the sprinkler options.
0 = No sprinkler data used
1 = For baseflow or simulation mode. Use sprinkler area, sprinkler efficiency and gwmode data provided in time series file (*.ipy).
32-1 soild Switch for soil moisture accounting. See Section 7 for a description of the Soil Moisture capability.
0 = No Soil Moisture (*.str) file provided.
-1 = Soil Moisture (*.str) file provided in the response (*.rsp) file but not used.
+n = Soil Moisture (*.str) used where +n is a typical soil zone depth (ft) (e.g. 2.5 - 3.0 ft). Note StateMod sets the initial soil moisture storage to 50% of the soil capacity.
33-1 isig Switch for significant figures behind decimal point in output files.
0 = No significant figures
1 = One significant figure
2 = Two significant figures